The Homosexual Colonization of The Catholic Church

Photo ~ DONALD CARDINAL WUERL Archbishop of Washington

The Homosexual Colonization of The Catholic Church
Book Review (2006) New Oxford Review

Engel writes: "From 1980 to 1985, Fr. Wuerl served as Vice Rector and Rector of St. Paul Seminary. The seminary had a reputation for rampant homosexuality going back to the days of Bishop Wright." Then Wuerl became Bishop of Pittsburgh in February 1988, fulfilling his protégé role.

Writes Engel: "After Donald Wuerl was posted to the Diocese of Pittsburgh, he permitted Dignity/Pittsburgh Masses to continue for eight more years.... Dignity/Pittsburgh was one of the last chapters to be evicted from Catholic facilities in the United States [on orders from the Vatican].

According to Pittsburgh Post-Gazette staff writer Ann Rodgers-Melnick, 'Banning Dignity was a sad moment for Wuerl.'... Under Wuerl, the Pittsburgh Diocese has become a stomping ground for nationally-known doctrinal and moral miscreants including Father (now ex-priest) Matthew Fox, Sister Fran Ferder, Father Robert Nugent, Sister Jeannine Gramick, Father Raymond Brown and howling feminists Rosemary Radford Ruether and Monica Hellwig."

In the summer of 1996, Mother's Watch featured a lengthy article called "Bishop Wuerl's Magnificent Obsession." Engel mentions a segment "dealing with Wuerl's exceptional relations with the members of the Pittsburgh 'gay' community who refer to the bishop as 'Donna' Wuerl...." We've heard that too.

...But there is a disturbing pattern: Benedict appointed "gay"-friendly Archbishop William Levada to be the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith; Benedict appointed "gay"-friendly Donald Wuerl to be Archbishop of Washington, D.C.; and Benedict appointed "gay"-friendly George Niederauer to be Archbishop of San Francisco. And Benedict signed the document on homosexuals in the seminary, a toothless document that can be interpreted any way you want.

Don't expect any reforms in the homosexual colonization of the Catholic Church, or what Engel calls the "Homosexual Collective." Sweetie-pie seminarians and priests will continue to flock into the priesthood, and some of them will advance up into the hierarchy.

Business as usual.

What a disturbing photo!
holyrope 3
Thanks GloriaTV for this informative post!! 🤗
Thanks GloriaTV for this informative post!! 🤗