Gloria TV News on the Feast of Blessed Honoratus Kozminski. It must “never occur again” USA On December 17, Bishop Thomas Olmsted of Phoenix will declare that St. Joseph’s Hospital is no longer a …More
Gloria TV News on the Feast of Blessed Honoratus Kozminski.
It must “never occur again”
On December 17, Bishop Thomas Olmsted of Phoenix will declare that St. Joseph’s Hospital is no longer a Catholic institution unless its parent company recognizes that the abortion that took place there in late 2009 violated the US bishops’ ethical directives and pledges it “will never occur again.” Bishop Olmstead also stated that if St. Joseph’s Hospital wished to remain a Catholic hospital, it must consent to a review by the diocesan medical ethics board and training of its staff by the medical ethics board or the National Catholic Bioethics Center.
That Little Think Called Birth
The culture war seems to be operating on an unsuspected new front –writes on the blog “Creative Minority Report”. He continues: “While many pro-lifers have been focused on mothers not killing babies in the womb, a staggering new scientific study indicates that incidences of parents killing their newborn babies is five …More
Holy Cannoli
It must “never occur again”

Props to Bishop Thomas Olmsted for doing what bishops ought to be doing throughout the world. That is to faithfully exercise their teaching and governing authority. “All their efforts must aim at preserving the true faith and a high moral tone among the people; they attain this end by good example, by preaching, by daily solicitude for the good administration of the …More
It must “never occur again”


Props to Bishop Thomas Olmsted for doing what bishops ought to be doing throughout the world. That is to faithfully exercise their teaching and governing authority. “All their efforts must aim at preserving the true faith and a high moral tone among the people; they attain this end by good example, by preaching, by daily solicitude for the good administration of the diocese, and by prayer.”

The First Task Is To Figure Out Exactly What The Task Is


“New Evangelization”

The Catholic Church will not be taken seriously around the world as long as these kinds of ill-conceived and dubious plans are being hatched especially when there are much more urgent issues to be addressed, i.e., ORTHODOXY. It is time to get down to business starting with booting the homosexuals who were responsible for not only permitting but for arranging for the following scandalous event (half naked performing boys) to occur. For those who were taken by surprise at the following event, you should have had the courage and strength of will to have walked out. Ask yourselves, if they were here today do you think Sts. Peter or Paul would have sat on their backsides and stayed to watch this spectacle? Those heroes of the faith would have had the common sense to recognize what was happening and that it certainly did not belong in the Paul VI hall at the Vatican. Acrobats Perform For Pope

If anyone in Rome is listening, I'm ready to help clean house. Take me and heads will roll.

