Complete Catholic Mass. A complete Catholic Eucharistic Liturgy celebrated on Low Sunday May, 1, 2011/ FSSP Chapel,Florida, USA. www.fssp.org -- - Complete Catholic MassMore
Complete Catholic Mass.
A complete Catholic Eucharistic Liturgy celebrated on Low Sunday May, 1, 2011/ FSSP Chapel,Florida, USA. www.fssp.org
Complete Catholic Mass
holyrope 3
Thank you Bob Jones !! 👏 👏 👏
While I am not so much an advocate of the FSSP or the SSPX, and more of an Institute of Christ the King or Canons of St John Cantius advocate, this is quite appreciated. Thanks you.
PS, This Chapel seems to have too much 'clutter' in the sanctuary. Ont he other hand, space seems to be a problem here so, I see why SO much is in the Sanctuary...... 😇
While I am not so much an advocate of the FSSP or the SSPX, and more of an Institute of Christ the King or Canons of St John Cantius advocate, this is quite appreciated. Thanks you.

PS, This Chapel seems to have too much 'clutter' in the sanctuary. Ont he other hand, space seems to be a problem here so, I see why SO much is in the Sanctuary...... 😇