
TCDSB's push for everything pride in June is coming from the top

The Toronto Catholic District School Board staff and trustees have been encouraged to attend the 2024 pride parade held this weekend here …
Canon 212
Tomek P
The Passion of the Christ 2 Resurrection 2023 Trailer 2

Secularised Sisters Strip Their Foundress of Her Habit

During their General Chapter in June, the Mercedàries Missioneres de Berriz, Spain, elected a new General Superior, whom they call "General Coordinator". The choice fell on Lourdes Gorostola (photo).…More
During their General Chapter in June, the Mercedàries Missioneres de Berriz, Spain, elected a new General Superior, whom they call "General Coordinator".
The choice fell on Lourdes Gorostola (photo). She is not called "Sister Lourdes" and will be in charge for the next six years.
It is noteworthy that the new Superior General can be seen in a photo with a picture of the Foundress, Blessed Sister Margarita Maria Lopez De Maturana (+1934). However, Blessed Sister Margarita is not shown as nun but dressed in her secular cloths before she entered religious life.
Blessed Sister was the superior of the cloistered convent of Mercedarian nuns in Berriz, Basque Country, Spain, founded in 1540. She received permission from the Holy See to convert the nuns into apostolic sisters.
As a sister, of course, she always wore the habit. However, after the failed Second Vatican Council, her sisters secularised, exchanging the religious habit for secular clothing. Now they are in the process of extinction. …More
Christopher Shahrazade
My eldest cousin, 30, is a teacher at a private girls school in Villanova, Pa. The nuns who run the school did the same thing as these Mercedarian nuns …More
My eldest cousin, 30, is a teacher at a private girls school in Villanova, Pa. The nuns who run the school did the same thing as these Mercedarian nuns after VAtican II. THey have 2 sisters on faculty (26 in 1960), and about 18 working total in our Archdiocese (over 500 pre-1960). They only have about 30 in their MOtherhouse, and 0 in training for the last 20+years. When they threw away their uniform, which was grey, they really began to collapse.
As for one of the contributors hoping that these Mercedarian sisters are not lesbians, it's been proven that the more radicalized/progressive an Oder becomes, its lesbian sisters behind it......just like as the CAtholic Church in general becomes more radicalized, its homosexuals behind it.....Tucho Fermandez, Cupich, Roche, Parolin......and Francis of course.
Naomi Arai
Why bother being a sister? Why not just live alone? I sincerely hope they are not lesbians…
Rupnik's ‘Art’ Remains on Vatican Site Despite Appeal from Cardinal O’Malley

Rupnik’s ‘Art’ Remains on Vatican Site Despite Appeal from Cardinal O’Malley

The Vatican’s media arm appears to be defying an appeal from Cardinal Seán O’Malley, who has urged the Vatican to stop using …
la verdad prevalece
This shows once again that Bergoglio is a despot who acts with complete malice and does not even listen to one of his own.
Fred Alan Medforth

Trans-Identified Male Suspected Of Murdering Former Partner Booked As “Female” By Police

A trans-identified male has been arrested in Olmsted County, Minnesota, in relation to the death of another trans …
Frank Walker
June 28, 2024: Flaming Cardinal Kissy Appears Every Bit The Catholic, Yes?
Statement by Monsignor CARLO MARIA VIGANO answering to the Vatican schismatic farce

Bishop Viganò’s J’Accuse. Bergoglio’s Errors and Heresies Make Null His Elevation to the Throne of …

Bishop Viganò’s J’Accuse. Bergoglio’s Errors and Heresies Make Null His Elevation to the Throne of …
True Mass
It's an act of love. NEVER FORGET God Bless and protect AB Vigano.More
It's an act of love. NEVER FORGET
God Bless and protect AB Vigano.
The new William Wallace against the NWO
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BCP: The farce of so-called excommunication against former US nuncio, Archbishop C. M. Viganò Dear Bishops of the United States, surely you know about Bergoglio’s current excommunication farce concerning …More
BCP: The farce of so-called excommunication
against former US nuncio, Archbishop C. M. Viganò

Dear Bishops of the United States,
surely you know about Bergoglio’s current excommunication farce concerning your former nuncio, Carlo Maria Viganò. Bergoglio gives the impression of excluding him from the Church of Christ, but Bergoglio no longer belongs to this Church and therefore cannot exclude anyone from it. Moreover, Archbishop Viganò was never a member of Bergoglio’s sect, from which Bergoglio today absurdly excludes him. The Archbishop has always belonged to Christ’s Church, from which the apostate has no power to exclude him, much less for orthodoxy, as Bergoglio now paradoxically demonstrates. The main reason for the so-called expulsion is that the orthodox archbishop, in accordance with the teaching of the Church, does not recognize Bergoglio, a manifest heretic, as a pope, which Bergoglio is not.
The pseudo-pope practically excludes all who are faithful to Christ and His teachings …More
The mainstream media are trying to stitch Reform UK up.
Joe stands awkwardly and looks completely lost behind his wife at a campaign rally in Raleigh, North Carolina after his disastrous debate performance. Who is the real president here?
Everyday for Life Canada
Yes, do vote to get puppet Biden sent to a nursing home. The man is completely lost. His wife is supporting elderly abuse. It's visible to anyone with …More
Yes, do vote to get puppet Biden sent to a nursing home. The man is completely lost. His wife is supporting elderly abuse. It's visible to anyone with eyes and ears.
Tom Morelli
Latest Tucker on X.... Matt Taibbi, one of the last working journalists in the west. (June 27, 2024)More
Latest Tucker on X....
Matt Taibbi, one of the last working journalists in the west. (June 27, 2024)
Wilma Lopez

Francis is leading souls into moral slavery and eternal death - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — This is the third part of a series on the nature of true freedom, drawing especially from the teaching of Pope …
Billy F
Modernist Rigidity!!!
Ivan Tomas
Who cares about Jorge the apostate.
Catholic Dogma (Deny This and You Are Not Catholic) "Furthermore we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff …More
Catholic Dogma (Deny This and You Are Not Catholic)
"Furthermore we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff." Pope Boniface VIII
Unam Sanctam - Papal Encyclicals
Live Mike


STATEMENT by H.E. Monsignor Carlo Maria Viganò, Titular Archbishop of Ulpiana, Apostolic Nuncio on the accusation of schism “But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel other …More
by H.E. Monsignor Carlo Maria Viganò,
Titular Archbishop of Ulpiana, Apostolic Nuncio
on the accusation of schism
“But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel other than the one that we preached to you, let that one be accursed. As we have said before, and now I say again, if anyone preaches to you a gospel other than the one that you received, let him be anathema.” - Gal 1:8-9
“When I think that we are in the palace of the Holy Office, which is the exceptional witness of the Tradition and of the defense of the Catholic Faith, I cannot stop myself from thinking that I am at home, and that it is me, whom you call “the traditionalist,” who should judge you.” So spoke Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre in 1979, when he was summoned to the former Holy Office, in the presence of the Prefect, Cardinal Franjo Šeper, and two other Prelates.
As I stated in my Communiqué of June 20, I do not recognize the authority of the tribunal that claims to judge me, nor of its …More
Catholic Dogma " Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to …More
Catholic Dogma
" Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff." Pope Boniface VIII
Unam Sanctam - Papal Encyclicals
SSPX took stance with serum that use hek 293 in its creation taken from a female fetus in 1970 which had to be alive at the time of extraction .That …More
SSPX took stance with serum that use hek 293 in its creation taken from a female fetus in 1970 which had to be alive at the time of extraction .That enough time distance occurred that one could morally take the vax in good conscience.
Other word they sold their soul for mana so governments would not take away their tax status or afraid of being shutdown by the government thrown in jail like some protestant ministers were standing up against tyrrany
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Vatican: 'Climate Crisis Is Bringing the Whole of Humanity to Its Knees' - Slay News

The Catholic Church is continuing to advance fearmongering about an alleged “climate crisis.” Earlier this month, …

If you didn’t know long ago that this was the plan all along, then you’re not paying attention.

Barnhardt Judica me, Deus, et discerne causam meam de gente non sancta. Menu Skip to content Home Podcast …
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
LIVE: Profession of Vows & Vestition Ceremony of the Sisters of St. Thomas Aquinas Quelle LIVE: Profession of Vows & Vestition Ceremony of the Sisters of St. Thomas AquinasMore
LIVE: Profession of Vows & Vestition Ceremony of the Sisters of St. Thomas Aquinas
LIVE: Profession of Vows & Vestition Ceremony of the Sisters of St. Thomas Aquinas