Francisco Palau's prayer book "The Month of Mary" 23rd day. Day 23 from Blessed Francisco Palua's prayer bookMore
Francisco Palau's prayer book "The Month of Mary" 23rd day.

Day 23 from Blessed Francisco Palua's prayer book
Day 23 from Blessed Francisco Palau's prayer book
PRAYER. Virgin Mother, the purest among creatures,
receive this branch of flower: I give you a heart resolved,
determined and ready to keep chastity within the rules
of temperance and the laws of my state of life or
profession: receive most pure Mother, receive this
flower of mine, I entrust it to your care; take care of it.
I. The white simple and double viola
1. He who contemplates attentively …More
PRAYER. Virgin Mother, the purest among creatures,
receive this branch of flower: I give you a heart resolved,
determined and ready to keep chastity within the rules
of temperance and the laws of my state of life or
profession: receive most pure Mother, receive this
flower of mine, I entrust it to your care; take care of it.

I. The white simple and double viola

1. He who contemplates attentively the white simple
and double viola will see in the first, all the qualities of
a true flower and it opens our sight upon presenting it. White
as the snow, its flowers clustered in many branches,
abundant, long-lasting, not delicate, and beautiful and one of
those aromatic perfumes very pleasant to the sense of smell.
Who does not see here?

II. Chastity and virginity

2. The white simple viola teaches us
chastity and the double, virginity.
All the state of life follows chastity in a common sense;
this is, within the rules of temperance. The single man and
single woman as well as the married man and woman,
widow and widower have to be chaste.
The white viola has its chastity in the
simplicity and whiteness of its flower: it is as pure as the
light, white as the snow: it is virgin and mother. In what? It is
virgin with no seed but flower, and when a flower falls to the
ground it will produce the same simple seedling: but oh
wonder of nature! One flower comes from another flower. A
virgin conceives and its seed is a flower not a plant but
virginity, and the Virgin Mother is pure and does not lose her
purity in childbirth. If the virgin double viola comes near
to the simple, touches its roots and fertilizes it, that is, gives
it the quality to produce virgin viola like itself, double, whose flower
gives forth another flower as seedling. Who does not see here
the virginity, the maternity and the fecundity
of one and the same being?

III. The chastity and virginity of Mary

3. The Virgin Mary, as the double white (viola),
conceived a flower: this flower was born, and it was Jesus,
a virgin like his Mother. And the Mother never lost her purity
neither at conception nor in childbirth. Mary was the
daughter of God, a virgin. Mary was a daughter of virginity,
has begotten new virginity and never lost her purity; in the
fecundity of a mother, she remained always a virgin.

IV. Chastity and virginity to Mary

4. Examine well your garden and see how are the white
viola. Today the Virgin Mother asks you, as
emblem of your chastity, a bouquet of viola. If you do
not have the double, give her the simple and say to her:

Presentation of purity

PRAYER. Virgin Mother, the purest among creatures,
receive this branch of flower: I give you a heart resolved,
determined and ready to keep chastity within the rules
of temperance and the laws of my state of life or
profession: receive most pure Mother, receive this
flower of mine, I entrust it to your care; take care of it.