Gloria TV News. Six Months or Less to Live United States A Washington state assisted suicide law takes effect on Thursday. This follows the passage of Washington’s Initiative 1000, which won nearly 60…More
Gloria TV News.

Six Months or Less to Live

United States

A Washington state assisted suicide law takes effect on Thursday. This follows the passage of Washington’s Initiative 1000, which won nearly 60 percent of the vote in the November 2008 election. Under the law, two doctors must certify that the suicidal patient has a terminal condition and has six months or less to live. The patient must be a state resident and must make two oral requests 15 days apart and submit a written request witnessed by two people.

Pornographist Picked as US-Attorney General

United States

The Senate Judiciary Committee last week approved President Obama's pick for deputy attorney general, David Ogden. Pro-life and pro-family groups are continuing to battle against the nomination. Over the years Ogden has defended hardcore pornography media, on one occasion having won a battle on behalf of several media groups for looser child-pornography protections in federal law. The 55-year-old lawyer also argued against Internet pornography filters in public libraries, and in favor of taxpayer-funded Braille versions of Playboy magazine.

Discriminating Catholic Education

Great Britain

The Catholic Church in Great Britain has severely criticized a proposed new code of conduct for teachers. It will force Christian schools to actively promote for example Islam and gay rights. The code would also seriously undermine the religious character of Church schools and impose on them a hostile form of secular morality. The code would further discriminate against Christian teachers in recruitment and in the classroom.

No Hope Without Faith


The Vatican has released Pope Benedict's message for the 23rd World Youth Day, which will be observed on the coming Palm Sunday. The Pope's message to young people centers on the need for hope in our society. Reliable hope can only be based on faith, the Pope argues. In contemporary society, the flight from faith has caused the loss of hope.