holyrope 3
Camouflage Catholics. Real Catholic TV (May 2, 2012) Michael Voris- When bishops start using terms like "Camouflage Catholics" you know things are beginning to turn around in the Church.More
Camouflage Catholics.

Real Catholic TV (May 2, 2012) Michael Voris- When bishops start using terms like "Camouflage Catholics" you know things are beginning to turn around in the Church.
The church could use a big army of men like you.
Gosh! Indeed, however, having seen the Installation and Ordination of the New Bishop of Kansas the other evening on tele, in his Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, one is still not convinced of the Catholicity of this interior heartland of the USA. The entire liturgy (NOT sung by the cheif celebrant, not even the presidential prayers!), reminded me of a Church of England liturgy. There wasn't a piece …More
Gosh! Indeed, however, having seen the Installation and Ordination of the New Bishop of Kansas the other evening on tele, in his Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, one is still not convinced of the Catholicity of this interior heartland of the USA. The entire liturgy (NOT sung by the cheif celebrant, not even the presidential prayers!), reminded me of a Church of England liturgy. There wasn't a piece of Gregorian Chant or Palestrina. On the other hand, could their choir have done any better?