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Deutsche Bischöfe mit dem Papst Benedikt XVI. Berlin 2011Mehr
Deutsche Bischöfe mit dem Papst Benedikt XVI.

Berlin 2011
Medjugorje, Apparitions, latest message
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Medjugorje, Apparitions, latest message

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Pope Benedict was holding out his hand to introduce each Bishop / Cardinal to the dignitary. Those shaking hands with him were in the wrong...
He is not looking for handshakes he is introducing and pointing out each Bishop / Cardinal. No one refused anything...
Gracious God give us patience...
Pope Benedict was holding out his hand to introduce each Bishop / Cardinal to the dignitary. Those shaking hands with him were in the wrong...

He is not looking for handshakes he is introducing and pointing out each Bishop / Cardinal. No one refused anything...

Gracious God give us patience...

Exactely Dahvid!!!
The latest message of 'thewarningsecondcoming'
is verry telling...
Ratzinger was obviously putting his hand out to shake their hands. This is what we have inside the Vatican, all the way down into the parishes. Either they get removed or nothing changes. Goes for the heretic 'nuns' also.
Dieses Video ist uralt, die "Interpretation" ebenfalls.
Der Papst stellt hier die Bischöfe seinem Gast vor...!
Es ist NICHT so, wie es im Video rüberkommt!!Mehr
Dieses Video ist uralt, die "Interpretation" ebenfalls.
Der Papst stellt hier die Bischöfe seinem Gast vor...!

Es ist NICHT so, wie es im Video rüberkommt!!