The Beauty of a Smile for Another: “My Beautiful Woman” The Beauty of a Smile for Another: “My Beautiful Woman” Catholic-link.com – A young woman, a senior in high school, has become a mother. Rumors …More
The Beauty of a Smile for Another: “My Beautiful Woman”

The Beauty of a Smile for Another: “My Beautiful Woman”

Catholic-link.com – A young woman, a senior in high school, has become a mother. Rumors take flight; whispers abound. Loving, generous, humble… these precious words fail to appear on the tongues of many when speaking of this woman, as young as she is remarkable. Yes, this is a lesson in true beauty. Is it invisible? No, by no means. It is, however, above all, interior and manifests itself in only special moments: in a smile for another.
Forged in the fire of self-sacrifice, her heart was one disposed to welcome that of another. Perhaps she wasn’t looking for greatness, yet perhaps true greatness is knowing how to welcome what comes along with a generous and warm heart, more than something that we ourselves plan and aspire for. Maybe a key to greatness is learning to live according to plan that is not necessarily our own, perhaps God has different plans for our greatness?
What I find fascinating in this video are the aspects of beauty and happiness that seem to come alive in this “ordinary” woman in such an extraordinary way. It is in her love for her child, her love that arises and overflows as it gives live to a radiant smile. You see, beauty doesn’t come from makeup, from photoshop, not even from genes (beauty in the deepest sense). It comes from a from a heart who has discovered its joy in the beauty of a another. It is the beauty that not only shines but also changes; its transforms the world It is the beauty of the men and woman like John Paul II, Mother Theresa, and all those who have found their treasure in serving and giving themselves to others (see Mt 6:21).
Questions for dialogue:
How would you react if you were in her situation? Do you too fall into making judgments without knowing?
How do you conceive of beauty and happiness? Where you do you seek for beauty and happiness in your life? Are you able to perceive the authentic beauty in a generous life, dedicated to others? Do you live in such a way?