Gloria.TV News on the 23rd of May 2014 Feeding the Rich: During the canonization of John Paul II and John XXIII a exclusive group of 150 journalists, politicians and businessmen attended the event from …More
Gloria.TV News on the 23rd of May 2014
Feeding the Rich: During the canonization of John Paul II and John XXIII a exclusive group of 150 journalists, politicians and businessmen attended the event from the balcony of the Prefecture for the Economic Affairs of the Holy See. They were offered expensive finger food and wine. Opus-Dei-Monsignor Lucio Angel Vallejo Balda, the Prefecture’s secretary distributed hosts from a glass cup belonging to the Catering service. The event was sponsored by private companies and cost 20’000 Euros, almost 28.000 Dollars.
Crack Down: The liberal head of the Congregation for Religious, Cardinal João Braz de Aviz has decided to crack down on the Old Rite Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate and to send them an apostolic visitor. It is Sr. Fernanda Barbiero who belongs to the liberal Institute of Teaching Sisters of St Dorothea. It seems that she’s been provided with vast power to rule the Order. The Sisters are strongly attached to the old liturgy.
Cuomo, Keep …More
Oczekujemy na Intronizację
Temperance 2014-05-23 06:59:44
Why was the Vatican handing out The Blessed Sacrament in a plastic cup?!!! 😡
This is a Sacrilege! 🤬
....These are the effects of the hierarchs modernists of the SVII .
These are the killers of Christ in the Eucharist!More
Temperance 2014-05-23 06:59:44
Why was the Vatican handing out The Blessed Sacrament in a plastic cup?!!! 😡

This is a Sacrilege! 🤬
....These are the effects of the hierarchs modernists of the SVII .
These are the killers of Christ in the Eucharist!
Knights4Christ Thank you my friend! 🤗 👍 😇
Thanks Temperance you just said the truth very Interesting 👍
I will translate your comment 👍
Les hago la traducción del usuario en ingles que me parece ha resaltado un buen punto en este asunto y ha dicho una gran verdad.
Temperance 24/05/2014 10:23:08
Teniendo en cuenta la multitud de personas en el Vaticano todavía tenían la capacidad y los medios, y la responsabilidad litúrgica para distribuir …More
Thanks Temperance you just said the truth very Interesting 👍
I will translate your comment 👍
Les hago la traducción del usuario en ingles que me parece ha resaltado un buen punto en este asunto y ha dicho una gran verdad.
Temperance 24/05/2014 10:23:08
Teniendo en cuenta la multitud de personas en el Vaticano todavía tenían la capacidad y los medios, y la responsabilidad litúrgica para distribuir el Santísimo Sacramento en el recipiente apropiado! Cada sacerdote tiene su propio cáliz!
Además ! Cada persona en el balcón pago 20.000 euros! El Vaticano hizo 2 millones de dólares!! Esto es más que suficiente para comprar cálices! Un cáliz sólo puede cuesta 60 Euros!
Ahora en esa clase de vasos probablemente hay fragmentos de Nuestro Señor que se arrojaron en el lavavajillas con la basura! Esto es un sacrilegio y va en contra de las reglas de la iglesia!
Considering the crowds of people at the Vatican they still had the capability, and the means, and the liturgical responsibility to distribute The Blessed Sacrament in the appropriate vessel! Each priest has his own chalice!
PLUS! Each person on the balcony was charged 20,000 Euros! The Vatican made 2 Million Dollars!!!! This is more than enough to buy chalices! A chalice can only costs 60 Euros!
Considering the crowds of people at the Vatican they still had the capability, and the means, and the liturgical responsibility to distribute The Blessed Sacrament in the appropriate vessel! Each priest has his own chalice!

PLUS! Each person on the balcony was charged 20,000 Euros! The Vatican made 2 Million Dollars!!!! This is more than enough to buy chalices! A chalice can only costs 60 Euros!

Now that class cup probably with fragments of Our Lord is thrown in a dishwasher with garbage! This is a Sacrilege and against the rules of the church!

🤫 🤫 🤫 🤫 🤫 🤫 🤫 🤫 🤫 🤫 🤫 🤫 🤫 🤫 🤫
Thanks for the news 🙏 .
Opus-Dei-Monsignor Lucio Angel Vallejo Balda, the Prefecture’s secretary distributed hosts from a glass cup belonging to the Catering service.
message from the Blessed Virgin Mary to Blessed Elena Aiello
“People are offending God too much. Were I to show you all the sins committed on a single day, you would surely die of grief. These are grave times. The world is thoroughly …More
Opus-Dei-Monsignor Lucio Angel Vallejo Balda, the Prefecture’s secretary distributed hosts from a glass cup belonging to the Catering service.
message from the Blessed Virgin Mary to Blessed Elena Aiello
“People are offending God too much. Were I to show you all the sins committed on a single day, you would surely die of grief. These are grave times. The world is thoroughly upset because it is in a worse condition than at the time of the deluge.
- See more at: www.mysticsofthechurch.com/…/blessed-elena-a…
Jesús mío, perdón y misericordia por los méritos de vuestras Santas Llagas.

My Jesus, forgiveness and mercy through the merits of Your Sacred Wounds.
Hosts from a glass cup: Pourquoi faire une polémique à ce sujet, se sont d'abord avant tout les hosties consacrées qui ont droit à notre plus haut respect.
Vous parlez de Rio...Pensez-vous vraiment qu'étant donné cette foule, Notre Dieu d'Amour ne pouvaient pas comprendre les contenants qu'ils ont utilisés!!!More
Hosts from a glass cup: Pourquoi faire une polémique à ce sujet, se sont d'abord avant tout les hosties consacrées qui ont droit à notre plus haut respect.

Vous parlez de Rio...Pensez-vous vraiment qu'étant donné cette foule, Notre Dieu d'Amour ne pouvaient pas comprendre les contenants qu'ils ont utilisés!!!
Why was the Vatican handing out The Blessed Sacrament in a plastic cup?!!! 😡
This is a Sacrilege! 🤬
Not like the Vatican has a shortage on Sacred Vessels! 😡
Are idiots running things there, or do they just not care. Probably both. This is sick! 🤫More
Why was the Vatican handing out The Blessed Sacrament in a plastic cup?!!! 😡

This is a Sacrilege! 🤬

Not like the Vatican has a shortage on Sacred Vessels! 😡

Are idiots running things there, or do they just not care. Probably both. This is sick! 🤫