
The Whisky Priest. By Fr. Gordon J. MacRae

After 42 years of priesthood, 30 unjustly in prison, ‘The Whisky Priest,’ the central figure of Graham Greene’s best known novel, comes to my mind in darker times. “You are sure to find another cross …More
After 42 years of priesthood, 30 unjustly in prison, ‘The Whisky Priest,’ the central figure of Graham Greene’s best known novel, comes to my mind in darker times.
“You are sure to find another cross if you flee the one you bear.”
Anonymous Mexican Proverb
+ + +
I was ordained to the priesthood on June 5, 1982, the sole candidate for priesthood in the entire State of New Hampshire that year. On the next day, June 6, 1982, I was nervously standing in a corner in the Sacristy as I prepared to offer my First Mass in Saint John the Evangelist Church in Hudson, New Hampshire.
The church was packed with friends, family, and strangers from near and far. I was standing in a corner because the Sacristy was filled with my brother priests all vesting to join me for the occasion. I imagined they were watching me for signs that I might flee.
I peered through the open sacristy door at the huge, anticipating crowd and my anxiety level was off the scales. I wished for a way to calm my nerves. Just …More
From The Remnant: RECLAIMING JUNE: All for Thee, O Sacred Heart of Jesus
Sandy Barrett shares from ComplicitClergy
Priests are the Sleeper Cells in Rome’s Homosexual Revolution

Priests are the Sleeper Cells in Rome’s Homosexual Revolution

The protagonists of the homosexual revolution in the Church of Rome are almost exclusively Catholic priests. This is the alarming conclusion …

Hunter Biden's Infamous Laptop Enters Court as Evidence for Gun Charges Trial — FBI Agent Confirms …

Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop, long dismissed by the liberal media as a product of Russian disinformation …
Father Karl A Claver
How can a father be proud of a son like this? Joe should have placed Hunter in a drug clinic, and then in a monastery so he could repent of his sins.

Mainstream Media Finally Admits: 'COVID Jabs Are Killing Off Population'

British mainstream outlet The Telegraph ran a story this week titled: BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered news delivered …
Pierre Henri
Green Lives Matter @Ultrafrog17 Whoa. The President of El Salvador just told Tucker that MS 13 participates in Satanic child sacrifice rituals after he saved the country from the gang takeover that …More
Green Lives Matter
Whoa. The President of El Salvador just told Tucker that MS 13 participates in Satanic child sacrifice rituals after he saved the country from the gang takeover that infected the nation. But the mainstream media told me that this was supposed to be a conspiracy theory?
This is a battle between good vs evil. If you're not awake yet, then its time to start realizing that we are in a spiritual war. "They are Satanic.... They started killing more people..but as the organization grew, they became Satanic. They started doing Satanic rituals...
When you interview gang members in prison...when you ask them why they aren't in the gang anymore.... The guy asked how many people have you killed? He didn't remember how many. They asked him what is your position? He explained how he went up in position but he left the gang. He explains I was used to kill people. I killed for territory, extortion...but i came to this house, they were about to kill a baby. He said why …More
De Profundis
Two disappeared Ukrainian Greek Catholic priests seized by Russian forces from their church in Berdyansk in November of 2022 are possibly in a Russian-operated labor camp in occupied Ukraine, according …More
Two disappeared Ukrainian Greek Catholic priests seized by Russian forces from their church in Berdyansk in November of 2022 are possibly in a Russian-operated labor camp in occupied Ukraine, according to a human rights information service.

Disappeared Ukrainian Catholic priest may be in Russian prison now, says human rights activist - …

One of two disappeared Ukrainian Greek Catholic priests seized from their Church in Berdiansk in …
Tom Morelli
Normand Thomas

179. God gives us his Love

The Church is on the move. We are in the world and we’re invited to share what we have received from Jesus. We already carry everything in our heart. We will pass on what we receive in abundance. Jesus …More
The Church is on the move. We are in the world and we’re invited to share what we have received from Jesus. We already carry everything in our heart. We will pass on what we receive in abundance. Jesus, through us, will come to listen, to watch, to console, to heal people of the great lack of missing out on Love.
Going beyond our capabilities doesn’t require greater effort. It requires above all living in faith, to let Jesus be Lord and to be conscientious to what others are going through.
In reality, we don’t need to go beyond our capacities. We discover what is essential in us, what God has placed. It creates balance. We don’t need more. We already have what’s necessary.
As a guitar player retreats alone to practice his pieces of music, before making them available to the public, we’ll retreat in a favorable environment and pay attention, in a place of prayer, hear and discover what lives in us, of what God gives us, bound to his Love.
Then, as the musician, we will be able to join …More
Live Mike
"A powerful LGBT lobby has taken up residence within the Catholic Church and breached the dam of its moral doctrine. The goal of this lobby is to come to change the Church’s Magisterium, which condemns …More
"A powerful LGBT lobby has taken up residence within the Catholic Church and breached the dam of its moral doctrine. The goal of this lobby is to come to change the Church’s Magisterium, which condemns homosexuality without appeal. We are not dealing with a conspiracy theory." [...]
"Some theologians and canonists have criticized this document because it deprives diocesan bishops of the power to make a reliable judgment on present extraordinary phenomena, transferring it to the Dicastery of the Faith and ultimately to the Holy Father. However, this centralization of power is not the most problematic element of the text."

Does the Church Still Believe in the Supernatural? - From Fiducia supplicans to the norms on the …

The declaration https://rorate-caeli.blogspot.com/2023/12/fidelis-supplicans-and-upcoming.html). The …
Sean Johnson
…and will continue to do so until conservatives become traditionalists (which entails the rejection of Vatican 2 and the rites it spawned).
Father Karl A Claver
The Church is dying of self-inflicted wounds.
pater pauperum
The Holy Mass: Offertorium and Canon Missae in pictures - St Thomas Aquinas Seminary /fsspx (USA)
Maria coredemptrix shares this
Seminario Santo Tomás de Aquino - fsspx/USA: Offertorium and Canon Missae en imágenes

Francis Again Advertises Transvestite Prostitutes

"Here she is, the enfant terrible....," Francis said at the end of his tour of St Peter's Square after the general audience on 5 June, referring to Sister Geneviève Jeanningros, 81. OsservatoreRomano.va …More
"Here she is, the enfant terrible....," Francis said at the end of his tour of St Peter's Square after the general audience on 5 June, referring to Sister Geneviève Jeanningros, 81.
OsservatoreRomano.va reports that Francis greeted the sister, who lives with Sister Anna Amelia in a trailer among homosexual and transvestite prostitutes in Rome. She has been encouraging them in their vice for 56 years without calling them to repentance.
Francis sees in her "the Gospel [according to Bergoglio] lived on earth". If she had tried to lead the transvestites to Christ, Francis would have insulted her as "rigid", "dogmatic", "promotor of proselytism" or some other epithet.
On Wednesday, Jeanningros appeared with a person called "Ada", to whom Francis gave a rosary and a blessing. They were placed in the front row, as is Francis' custom when he receives transvestites who use this occasion to promote their vice.
Next Wednesday, Jeanningros will return with another group of ten privileged people, …More
Billy F
CCC 2285
The Miracle of the Sun MEDJUGORJE JULY 2, 2019 I captured this video of the sun strongly pulsating during Mirjana's monthly apparition to Our Lady on July 2, 2019. The pulsating starts around 1:12 It …More
The Miracle of the Sun MEDJUGORJE JULY 2, 2019
I captured this video of the sun strongly pulsating during Mirjana's monthly apparition to Our Lady on July 2, 2019. The pulsating starts around 1:12 It is a true miracle of the sun which Our Holy Mother blessed me with during our trip to Medjugorje Hercogovina.
English Catholic
It's called camera flare. It's very wrong to say something is a 'true' miracle.
Never seen this before and it looks legitimate.
10 more comments

Monsignor Agüer: Tucho Is Behind the Removal of the Archbishop of La Plata

Archbishop Héctor Agüer, former Archbishop of La Plata, Argentina, writes in a 5 June statement that the hand of Tucho Fernández can be seen in the recent removal of Archbishop Gabriel Mestre, 55, of …More
Archbishop Héctor Agüer, former Archbishop of La Plata, Argentina, writes in a 5 June statement that the hand of Tucho Fernández can be seen in the recent removal of Archbishop Gabriel Mestre, 55, of La Plata.
Agüer led the archdiocese of La Plata for almost two decades. He was not popular with the neighbouring archbishop of Buenos Aires, Jorge Mario Bergoglio. His successor was Tucho Fernández. He did the opposite of the Catholic Agüer and ruled with a 'persecution ideology'.
When Tucho was appointed Prefect for the Destruction of the Faith, Monsignor Mestre became Archbishop of La Plata. He began to clean up the mess that Tucho had left in La Plata. Tucho Fernández was not happy about that.
Now the names of Monsignor Mestre's possible successors are emerging: "Some of them worry and frighten me," writes Agüer.
He knows that the next archbishop will not be decided by the Apostolic Nuncio, but at a higher level: "I am not referring to the fact that it is always Francis who appoints …More
Chris Sky: 15 Minute Cities HAVE ARRIVED in Canada!More
Chris Sky: 15 Minute Cities HAVE ARRIVED in Canada!

Legal Victory: Rosary Can Be Prayed in Madrid Next Weekend

The High Court of Justice in Madrid has overruled a city official and declared that the Rosary can be prayed in the streets of the Spanish capital on 8 and 9 June, during the European elections. The …More
The High Court of Justice in Madrid has overruled a city official and declared that the Rosary can be prayed in the streets of the Spanish capital on 8 and 9 June, during the European elections.
The prayer will take place next to a Marian church right in front of the headquarters of the Socialist Party, which is very hostile to the Church.
The ruling states that there are "no well-founded reasons" to justify how the prayer would affect the political neutrality required on election day.
The organisers said in a statement that 'in the face of their [= the regimes] prohibitions, we must defend without fear what is ours'.
One wonders how much it has cost in legal fees for lawyers and courts to reach this decision.
Billy F
Vivat Christus Rex!!!
Ave Maria!
Putin warns Russia could supply weapons to others to strike Western targets Russian warships headed to Caribbean for drills as tensions rise over Ukraine, US officials say (yahoo.com) President Vladimir …More
Putin warns Russia could supply weapons to others to strike Western targets
Russian warships headed to Caribbean for drills as tensions rise over Ukraine, US officials say (yahoo.com)
President Vladimir Putin warned Wednesday that Russia could provide long-range weapons to others to strike Western targets in response to NATO allies allowing Ukraine to use their arms to attack Russian territory. Read more about this story in our article: f24.my/ANqr.y
🔔 Subscribe to France 24
Live Mike
Pray very hard!

Narrow-Minded Francis Criticises "Dogmatic Narrow-Mindedness of Church"

During his general audience on 5 June, Francis complained about a "dogmatic narrow-mindedness in the Church", but the few tourists in the square had no idea what he was referring to. His alleged "Holy …More
During his general audience on 5 June, Francis complained about a "dogmatic narrow-mindedness in the Church", but the few tourists in the square had no idea what he was referring to.
His alleged "Holy Spirit" cannot be "put in a box" or "locked up" (did anyone say that?), neither in concepts nor in treatises. This theory will be welcomed by many because it means that all the texts Francis produced during his time in Rome are rubbish and can be discarded.
Francis repeated that in the ecclesial sphere there is "a temptation to enclose the Holy Spirit in doctrines, institutions and definitions", although everyone works with "doctrines" and "definitions", whether they admit it or not. Francis, for example, buys into all the doctrines and definitions of the decadent oligarchs.
The "Spirit" creates and animates institutions, but He Himself cannot be "institutionalised", bubbled Francis, who has turned the Church not only into an "institution" but into a regime.
Forgetting everything he had …More
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus
(Hear ye, hear ye, bla bla bla, bla bla, bla, bla bla, bla.)
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio believes he is above God. This homosexual activist disguised as a Pope and alleged homosexual predator also never tires of attacking the Church …More
Bergoglio believes he is above God. This homosexual activist disguised as a Pope and alleged homosexual predator also never tires of attacking the Church and defying God's laws.
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Viganò posts link to Michael Vorris to argue against Sodomy....
All Saints
One is known by the company one keeps. Strike two!
James Manning
It's like he's in a race to ruin his credibility.
One more comment

Priest, 45, Killed in Colombia

A priest has been killed in a brutal attack in Colombia. Two criminals ambushed the Rev. Ramón Montejo Peinado, 45, in a parking space in Ocaña on Tuesday. They reportedly threatened him with a knife …More
A priest has been killed in a brutal attack in Colombia. Two criminals ambushed the Rev. Ramón Montejo Peinado, 45, in a parking space in Ocaña on Tuesday.
They reportedly threatened him with a knife in order to steal his car. The victim was the parish priest of San José de Buenavista in Ocaña. He was on his way to a prison where he works as a chaplain.
The priest resisted the thieves who stabbed him. While fleeing in the priest's car, they ran over him. He died shortly afterwards.
The police immediately launched a manhunt and arrested one of the murderers.
Montejo's death has caused great "despair and sorrow", said Archbishop Jorge Alberto Ossa Soto, the diocesan administrator of the diocese of Ocaña.
A political motive for the crime cannot be ruled out, given the priest's commitment to the victims of Colombia's decades-long civil war.