Blessed Imelda Lambertini

Blessed Imelda LambertiniMemorial


Daughter of Count Egano Lambertini of Bologna and Castora Galuzzi. While still a child, she put together a little oratory in her house, and spent much time there in prayer. She felt drawn to religious life, and planned to become a nun. Student at Dominican Convent of Valdi-Pietra in Bologna, Italy, partly in preparation for religious life. Had a great devotion to Saint Agnes of Rome, of whom she may have had visions, to Mary as Queen of Angels, and to the Holy Eucharist. On 12 May 1333 she miraculously received her First Communion, and immediately after died in an ecstasy of love and joy.







Can anyone receive Jesus into his heart and not die? Blessed Imelda

Lord Jesus Christ, you received into heaven Blessed Imelda who loved you in the eucharistic banquet. By her prayers may we learn to approach your holy table with that same fervent love and so fulfill our longing to be with you, who live and reign with the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. – General Calendar of the Order of Preachers

MLA Citation

  • “Blessed Imelda Lambertini“. CatholicSaints.Info. 13 May 2024. Web. 5 June 2024. <>