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gay marriage
The Catholic church’s hierarchy came out against gay marriage in the Irish Republic last week. Photograph: Alan Porritt/AAP
The Catholic church’s hierarchy came out against gay marriage in the Irish Republic last week. Photograph: Alan Porritt/AAP

Ireland to hold referendum on gay marriage in May

This article is more than 9 years old
Campaigners welcome deputy prime minister’s announcement, as latest opinion poll shows 71% of electorate would vote yes

A referendum on legalising gay marriage in Ireland will be held in May, the Republic’s deputy prime minister announced on Tuesday evening.

Tánaiste and Irish Labour leader Joan Burton confirmed that the cabinet in Dublin had agreed to hold the vote then.

“The fact that this referendum is now to take place is a mark of the progress that has taken place in this country in recent years and decades, and indicates the extent to which attitudes to lesbian and gay people have changed,” Burton said in Government Buildings.

A gay Christian group was among the first to welcome the announcement. Dr Richard O’Leary, chair of the Church of Ireland group Changing Attitude Ireland, said: “In the forthcoming referendum on marriage Christians will be campaigning on both sides.”

He added: “Although Catholic bishops have expressed opposition, Christians can still use their freedom of conscience to vote yes to civil marriage equality, like they did 20 years ago in favour of the availability of civil divorce.”

The latest opinion poll in the Irish Times found that 71% of the Republic’s electorate would vote yes and allow for legal gay marriages in the state.

The hierarchy of the Catholic church last week came out against gay marriage in the Republic.

A yes vote would mark another defeat for the temporal power of the Catholic church in a country it once dominated.

On the same day as the gay marriage referendum, the Republic’s voters will also be asked to endorse a constitutional reform that will allow lowering the age an individual can stand for the Irish presidency from 35 to 21.

A gay member of the main coalition partner, Fine Gael, said the referendum would be a landmark day for social equality in Ireland.

Jerry Buttimer, who presents Cork South Central in the Irish parliament said: “As a gay man and member of Fine Gael, I am immensely proud that this referendum has been brought forward by this Fine Gael/ Labour Government. However the hard work is only starting now.

“We must be fully committed to this campaign and leave no stone unturned in explaining the importance of a yes vote. I truly believe the referendum will be passed and that Ireland will be lauded across the world as a leader in social justice and equality.”

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