Blessed Lorenzo Salvi

Blessed Lorenzo SalviAlso known as

  • Lorenzo Maria of Saint Francis Xavier



Studied at the Collegio Romano in Rome, Italy; his classmates included Saint Gaspare del Bufalo and the future Pope Gregory XVI. Influenced by the work and preaching of Saint Vincent Mary Strambi. Became a Passionist novice at Monte Argentario in 1801, and made his profession on 20 November 1802. Ordained on 29 December 1805. For seven years the house and all the religious in it were suppressed by order of Napoleon. When Lorenzo was able to return to his vocation, he devoted himself to preaching missions and promoting devotion to the Passion. Showed a great personal devotion to the Child Jesus. Rector of the Passionist Generalate in Rome (his vice-rector was Blessed Dominic Barberi), but spent nearly every day on the road preaching missions.






Blessed are Thou, O God our Father, for Thy gift of Blessed Lorenzo Salvi, for his life, his witness and for the love Thou didst give him for the mystery of the Nativity and Infancy of Thy Son Jesus. We ask Thee to reawaken in Thy Church the awareness of the great gift of the Incarnation and the desire to imitate Jesus with simplicity of heart and total trust in Thy Love and Thy Providence. We thank Thee for the deep compassion for the suffering Thou didst grant Blessed Lorenzo and for the strength of his prayer to the Infant Jesus. We believe that he still intercedes for us. We confide to Thee our good desires, for ourselves and for our neighbors, secure to obtain Thy Grace and the protection of Blessed Lorenzo. Amen. – the Passionists

MLA Citation

  • “Blessed Lorenzo Salvi“. CatholicSaints.Info. 2 July 2023. Web. 8 June 2024. <>