Blessed Francisco Sánchez Márquez

Blessed Francisco Sánchez MárquezAlso known as

  • Francisco Tomás Márquez Sánchez
  • Francisco Tomás de San Juan Bautista Márquez y Sánchez
  • Leopoldo de Alpandeire



The eldest of four children in a rural peasant family, Francisco was baptized at the age of five days, and grew up in a peasant family, tending the sheep and goats in a small village in southern Spain. He became Capuchin monk in Granada, Spain at age 33 after hearing the preaching of some Capuchin friars; he wore the cowl for over 56 years. He served as a beggar for his house, roaming the city, asking for donations, praying for any who sought his counsel or blessing. Known for his piety and wisdom, his was an example of the quiet Christian life of virtue.





MLA Citation

  • “Blessed Francisco Sánchez Márquez“. CatholicSaints.Info. 7 February 2023. Web. 5 June 2024. <>