Saint Finnian of Clonard

detail of a statue of Saint Fininan of Clonard; by the Studi Nicoli workshop in Italy, date unknown; Clonard, County Meath, Ireland; photographed on 26 August 2007 by Andreas F. Borchert; swiped from Wikimedia CommonsAlso known as



A pious youth, he founded three churches in Ireland while still a layman. Studied in Wales under Saint Cadoc of Llancarvan and Saint Gildas the Wise. Monk. Great admirer of Saint Patrick. Considered one of the great founders of Irish monasticism. Founded the monastery at Clonard, Meath, Ireland c.520 which lasted a thousand years, and was a training center for great Irish saints. Spiritual teacher of Saint Columba of Iona, Saint Columba of Terryglass, Saint Ciaran of Clommacnois, Saint Brendan the Voyager, Saint Nathy, Saint Nennius, Saint Ruadhan of Lorrha, Saint Daig MacCairaill, and others. Maintained close relations with the British Church. Often referred to as a bishop, there is no evidence he was ever so consecrated.

Legend attributes many miracles to him. Birds would gather around him because of his gentle holiness. Reported to have cleared parasitic insects, worms and vermin from the island of Flathlom and the regions of Nantcarfan. One story says that he fended off a party of Saxon raiders by causing an earthquake to swallow their camp.





MLA Citation

  • “Saint Finnian of Clonard“. CatholicSaints.Info. 16 November 2023. Web. 1 June 2024. <>