
Dominicans and ChristDominican EmblemAlso known as

  • Order of Friars Preachers
  • Order of Preachers
  • Blackfriars
  • Black Friars


Religious order founded by Saint Dominic de Guzman at Prouille, France, and received pontifical letters from Pope Innocent III in 1205, adopting the Rule of Saint Augustine, with certain additions, in 1216. The salvation of souls, especially by means of preaching, is the aim of the order, which soon spread in other countries. Preaching and teaching constitute the chief occupation of its members. They have also been entrusted with important commissions by various popes, and their missionary activities have been extensive. Literary and scientific writings of the Dominicans embrace a wide field, including works on the Bible, apologetics, canon law, history, philosophy, theology, and catechetical, pedagogical, and humanistic writings. The school of philosophy and theology of two of their number, Saint Albertus Magnus and Saint Thomas Aquinas, holds a unique place in the life of the Church. The Friars Preachers have also made notable contributions to the world of art. Although they suffered a considerable decrease in numbers and property due to the Reformation and the French Revolution, their spread in the New World counter-balanced these losses. Twelve provinces are engaged in missionary work.

MLA Citation

  • “Dominicans“. Congregations of the Faith. CatholicSaints.Info. 26 October 2023. Web. 8 June 2024. <>