Thursday, June 17, 2010

Mass of St Josemaria Escriva

You are cordially invited to a Solemn Mass in honour of
St Josemaria Escriva
Founder of Opus Dei
on Friday, 25 June 2010 at 6.30 pm
at the Cathedral of Macau.
His Excellency, Most Rev. Jose Lai,
Bishop of Macau, will be the main celebrant.
Confessions will be heard from 5.30 pm.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

SPANISH International Night

Let's learn more about Spain! On May 22, we will have a get-together, cooking demonstration and cultural exchange about Spain. We will also be introducing the big event which will be held in August next year in Madrid, Spain, namely WORLD YOUTH DAY 2011. We have a year to prepare ourselves for this special event and we'd like to begin it with a preview on the host country, Spain.

Be ready to roll your sleeves for some nice cooking fun, learn some Spanish songs and some useful Spanish expressions!

Call us if you want to take part (Yoyette 28530054)

Hasta luego!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Let's dance!

This Saturday, April 24, join us for an afternoon of dance. We will learn basic steps of pop dance plus some tips on social graces and how to conduct ourselves in public. Have two left feet? Don't worry, this might be your chance to get it all straightened out!

Date: April 24, Saturday
Time 5:00-6:30 PM
Please call to confirm your attendance (Yoyette 2853 0054)