Saint Cronan Mochua

Also known as

  • Cronan of Balla
  • Cuan
  • Mochua of Balla
  • Moncan



Educated at Bangor Abbey under Saint Comgall of Bangor. Founded a monastery at Gael, among the Feara Rois of Louth and Monaghan. Travelled to Fore, then Hy-Many in the country of Connaught (all these places are in Ireland). Founded the diocese and abbey of Balla, County Mayo, Ireland in 616, and served as its first abbotbishop; a tower and altar from the monstery are all that remain of the original structures. Miracle worker. Confessor of the faith. Lived to be nearly 100.




MLA Citation

  • “Saint Cronan Mochua“. CatholicSaints.Info. 6 May 2018. Web. 3 June 2024. <>