holyrope 3
Inhuman: Undercover in America's Late-Term Abortion Industry - New Mexico. LiveActionFilmsMore
Inhuman: Undercover in America's Late-Term Abortion Industry - New Mexico.
Ever since abortion killing was made legal, abortions skyrocketed. And they say they wanted it legal as to cut down on back-alley abortions. Who they kidding! Greed and Control..when are women going to wise up? Haven't they yet learned that they have been deceived, Big Time?
America and the world will have to pay dearly for this abomination. At least we know Obama Huessein won't be in office in 2016. But who knows what will happen in the meantime. God have mercy on us!
The king of abortion, or the Doctor who started the abortion industry in the USA repented and he spent the rest of his life being Pro LIfe. It is ridiculous that this woman says that the baby does not feel, as some people who have come back from God's presence in a life after death experience say that women nowadays have become the image of the beast, she talks about women like the ones who abort …More
The king of abortion, or the Doctor who started the abortion industry in the USA repented and he spent the rest of his life being Pro LIfe. It is ridiculous that this woman says that the baby does not feel, as some people who have come back from God's presence in a life after death experience say that women nowadays have become the image of the beast, she talks about women like the ones who abort and those who defend abortion or support abortion.

Obama is pushing the industry for RED GOLD as it's now been nickname. RED GOLD due to the blood of the unborn babies, very hateful to me. God Bless.
Please pray for the end of abortion.
Hay Zeus
These abortionist baby killers Know well that they are telling lies to these women. They will always refer to a Baby as a "fetus" or an "it". All for the love of money.