Blessed Stanislaw Kostka Starowieyski. After graduation in 1914, he began study of law at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, but his studies had to be interrupted by the outbreak of the First World …More
Blessed Stanislaw Kostka Starowieyski.

After graduation in 1914, he began study of law at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, but his studies had to be interrupted by the outbreak of the First World War. He trod the officer's career in the Austrian army. He took part - as a gunner - in the fighting on the Eastern Front and in the battles on the river Piawa in Italy [2].

After the defeat of the Austrians in Italy, he returned to Galicia and 1918, he participated in the founding of the Polish Army in Krakow. [3]

He fought in the Polish-Ukrainian War (1918-1919), defended the citadel of Lviv. Then e fought in the Polish-Russian war of 1920. Because of a disease of dysentery, he spent some time in a hospital in Zambrowie. His military service ended because of this disease, with the rank of captain. [4] For his services he was awarded the Cross of the Order of bravery and valor. [5]

In these times of war, he fell on his exceptional skills as an organizer, his Leiterskompetens, by his valor and his distinctive moral courage. He distinguished himself by good relationships with other people. [6] [7]

Now Starowieyski took a course in agriculture and took over in 1921 the management of the Family headquarters of his future wife in Labunie, Zamosc the family.

In 1921 he married Maria Theresa Szeptycka with a sumptuous feast in Labunie, near Lublin. After the wedding, the family lived in Laszczow. Stanislaw Starowieyski proved to be very good and successful entrepreneur with ingenuity. He managed the assets of his wife, a total of about a thousand acres. Soon it was under his hand as a model throughout the region. [8]

As an employer was a righteous man who cared for fair wages and medical care for its employees and their families. A large part of its income was spent on the poor and the Catholic-social activities. He supported his wife in her charitable commitment of the organization as a soup kitchen for the poor, at an orphanage for children of employees, in preparation for Christmas for the poor. He visited the homes of needy themselves, regardless of their religion or nationality, Russians and Ukrainians and Jews, and brought spiritual and material assistance. Needy farmers reported benefits in the form of grain, lumber, but also money. [9]

The loving father had six children. At home with his wife created an atmosphere of deep faith and devotion - daily visited the couple Mass. Love and kindness and understanding of the situation of the Church and the country marked the family. [10]

He promoted by forces the Marian Congregation and he was the initiator and co-organizer of a national pilgrimage of the landowner (pilgrimage of the nobility) to Jasna Gora in 1937. [11] He appealed doing to live a Christian Catholic life to the landowner. He encouraged them to actively engage in the Catholic associations and Catholic Action and Studies in Catholic social teaching, based on the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church. He even suggested concrete solutions to economic and social problems before such. As to improve the living conditions of the population, the creation of favorable conditions for social advancement of the poorest strata. He devoted the problems of Polish agriculture and rural areas much attention to. He advocated the creation of that cooperatives and agricultural societies in order to promote agricultural production. [12]

As the Catholic Action was founded in 1930 as a merger of several other Catholic singles associations, he became involved in the management of the organization in Lublin diocese. In 1932 he became vice-president, and in 1935 became president of the Diocesan Institute of Catholic Action (DIAK) in Lublin. He has lectured and participated in the celebrations, retreats, conferences, courses and pilgrimages.

In 1935 Stanislaw Kostka refused an offered candidacy for the Senate of the Republic. The news of his activities even reached Pius XI, for it made him a papal chamberlain.

In November 1939, after the invasion of German troops in Poland and soon after the invasion of the Russian troops, the end of the Polish Republic was as sealed. Stanislaw Kostka was, along with his brother Marian, was arrested by the Russians. In Debiny Laszczowskiej, about 14 km from Laszczow, but they managed to escape. Marian Starowieyski but was recaptured and taken to Russia, were never heard from again.