Civil rights leader Alveda King says government must respect the people's vote. www.marriagetour2010.com Speaking at NOMs Summer for Marriage Bus Tour stop in Atlanta, GA, Alveda Kingniece of civil …More
Civil rights leader Alveda King says government must respect the people's vote.

www.marriagetour2010.com Speaking at NOMs Summer for Marriage Bus Tour stop in Atlanta, GA, Alveda Kingniece of civil rights icon Martin Luther King, Jr.states that the government should not stand in the way of the American people's effort to protect marriage between one man and one woman. "...Government cannot govern our hearts. And so when it comes to an issue of faith, then that's going to be "We the People," rising up in faith, doing what we know in our heart's is right. The government cannot mandate that, the government really cannot control that. And so, the government should not...keep people from voting."