Via Lucis. The Church has an itinerary called the Via Lucis, the way of Light: from resurrection to the coming of the Spirit. It is a new manner of expressing the Paschal joy, that is, Christ's passage …More
Via Lucis.

The Church has an itinerary called the Via Lucis, the way of Light: from resurrection to the coming of the Spirit. It is a new manner of expressing the Paschal joy, that is, Christ's passage from death to life until Pentecost or the coming of the Spirit.

This itinerary is celebrated after Holy Week during the Easter time, a festive period to reflect on the Paschal journey. On this path of joy the Church invites all faithful to cheerfully live God's gift of life in Christ.

The Via Lucis lasts 50 days and has 14 stations on Christ's life. In fact, the way of light is the natural outcome of the Via Crucis, and in resemblance it is composed of the most important and significant illustrations of the events of Jesus' life after death.

The www.claraesperanza.trimilenio.net website exhibits the 14 stations of the Via Lucis, also called the Paschal Journey, produced by María Inés Henao Brigard, a Columbian painter, and preface by Father Alfredo Rubio de Castarlenas, deceased in 1996.