Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Philip Neri. Father of Five Becomes a Priest USA A 57-year-old father of five whose marriage had been annulled was ordained as a priest of the Diocese of Belleville …More
Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Philip Neri.

Father of Five Becomes a Priest
A 57-year-old father of five whose marriage had been annulled was ordained as a priest of the Diocese of Belleville by Bishop Edward Braxton on May 22. A onetime lay employee of the diocesan education department, Father Dale Maxfield was appointed pastoral life coordinator of a parish. “It was at this time that his marriage began to fall apart and the life he had created as a husband and father,” according to the diocesan newspaper.

Diocese Sells Off Property
Less than two weeks after Diocese of Burlington agreed to pay over 20 million Dollars to settle 29 lawsuits alleging the sexual abuse of minors by priests, the diocese has agreed to sell its historic 32-acre headquarters to Burlington College for an undisclosed sum. The property was recently put up for sale for 12.5 million Dollars. The college, according to its web site, is an “independent, progressive, liberal arts college” with 180 students.

Cardinal Newman Was No Liberal Catholic
Father Ian Ker has responded to recent insinuations in the British press that Cardinal John Henry Newman was gay and was an intellectual forefather of today’s dissenters from Catholic teaching. Ker is the author of the definitive biography of Newman,. He says that there is “irrefutable evidence of Newman’s heterosexuality.” The idea that Newman was a homosexual because of his friendship with Father Ambrose St. John comes from “the twentieth century, when the concept of friendship died.” “I do know enough about Newman to know that he would belong to those who wanted reform at the Second Vatican Council but reform in continuity with the tradition of the Church, that is, to those reformers who include Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI,” he adds. “He was despised by extreme liberals in his own time for his deference to authority, and certainly could not be described as a liberal Catholic in today’s terms.”

I Want to Be a Model
Amada Rosa Pérez was one of Colombia’s top models. Then she disappeared from the public eye five years ago. Now she is making headlines once again, but this time by sharing her conversion story. Amada explained to the Colombian newspaper “El Tiempo,” that she had been diagnosed with a disease that left her with only 60 percent of her hearing in her left ear. The news caused her to question her lifestyle. “Before I was always in a hurry, stressed out, and got upset easily," she continued. "Now I live in peace, the world doesn’t appeal to me, I enjoy every moment the Lord gives me. I go to Mass, I pray the Holy Rosary daily, as well as the Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3 p.m. Amada now works tirelessly with a Marian religious community in Colombia. “I want to be a model that promotes the true dignity of women and not their being used for commercial purposes,” Amada said.
Libor Halik
Żonaty ojciec sześciorga dzieci księdzem katolickim.
Były baptystyczny duchowny, mąż i ojciec szóstki dzieci 49-letni profesor historii otrzymał specjalne pozwolenie papieża Benedykta na święcenia kapłańskie i będzie księdzem w amerykańskiej rzymskokatolickiej diecezji Rochester.
Scott Caton konwertował na katolicyzm 12 lat temu. Jest żonaty od 28 lat. Małżeństwo ma sześcioro dzieci w wieku od …More
Żonaty ojciec sześciorga dzieci księdzem katolickim.
Były baptystyczny duchowny, mąż i ojciec szóstki dzieci 49-letni profesor historii otrzymał specjalne pozwolenie papieża Benedykta na święcenia kapłańskie i będzie księdzem w amerykańskiej rzymskokatolickiej diecezji Rochester.

Scott Caton konwertował na katolicyzm 12 lat temu. Jest żonaty od 28 lat. Małżeństwo ma sześcioro dzieci w wieku od 26 do 7 lat. Zgodę na święcenia kapłańskie dla żonatego mężczyzny bez warunku oddalenia żony wyraziła najpierw Kongregacja Nauki Wiary a potem sam papież. Kościół rzymskokatolicki dopuszcza czasami żonatych mężczyzn do święceń kapłańskich ale zawsze czyni to w drodze wyjątku. 19 maja 2010 www.fronda.pl/…/zonaty_ojciec_s…
Polish language
Great, Amada: The only reason for beauty to exist in this world is to glorify the most Beautiful.
Great, Amada: The only reason for beauty to exist in this world is to glorify the most Beautiful.

Amada Rosa Perez' conversion story is reported in Spanish here:
What a wonderful example of the power of God's grace she is. May God bless her and may the Holy Spirit work powerfully in her life to bring others to new life in Jesus.More
Amada Rosa Perez' conversion story is reported in Spanish here:

What a wonderful example of the power of God's grace she is. May God bless her and may the Holy Spirit work powerfully in her life to bring others to new life in Jesus.