Litaniae Sanctorum (Latin) - Letanía de los Santos - The Litany of the Saints. Latin and Greek (original) English (translation) V. Kyrie, eléison. V. Lord, have mercy. R. Christe, eléison. R. Christ …More
Litaniae Sanctorum (Latin) - Letanía de los Santos - The Litany of the Saints.

Latin and Greek (original)
English (translation)
V. Kyrie, eléison.
V. Lord, have mercy.
R. Christe, eléison.
R. Christ, have mercy.
V. Kyrie, eléison.
V. Lord, have mercy.

V. Christe, audi nos.
V. O Christ, hear us.
R. Christe, exáudi nos.
R. O Christ, graciously hear us.

V. Pater de cælis, Deus.
V. O God the Father of heaven.
R. Miserére nobis.
R. Have mercy upon us.

V. Fili, Redémptor mundi, Deus.
V. O God the Son, Redeemer of the world.
R. Miserére nobis.
R. Have mercy upon us.

V. Spíritus Sancte, Deus.
V. O God the Holy Ghost.
R. Miserére nobis.
R. Have mercy upon us.

V. Sancta Trínitas, unus Deus.
V. O Holy Trinity, one God.
R. Miserére nobis.
R. Have mercy upon us.

V. Sancta María.
V. Holy Mary.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancta Dei Génetrix.
V. Holy Mother of God.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancta Virgo vírginum.
V. Holy Virgin of virgins.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Michael.
V. Saint Michael.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancte Gabriel.
V. Saint Gabriel.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancte Raphael.
V. Saint Raphael.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Omnes sancti Angeli et Archangeli.
V. All ye holy Angels and Archangels.
R. Orate pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Omnes sancti beatórum Spírituum ordines.
V. All ye holy orders of blessed Spirits.
R. Orate pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancte Joánnes Baptista.
V. Saint John the Baptist.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancte Josephe.
V. Saint Joseph.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Omnes sancti Patriárchæ et Prophetæ.
V. All ye holy Patriarchs and Prophets.
R. Orate pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancte Petre.
V. Saint Peter.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancte Paule.
V. Saint Paul.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancte Andrea.
V. Saint Andrew.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancte Jacobe.
V. Saint James.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancte Joánnes.
V. Saint John.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancte Thoma.
V. Saint Thomas.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancte Jacobe.
V. Saint James.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancte Philippe.
V. Saint Philip.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancte Bartholomæe.
V. Saint Bartholomew.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancte Matthæe.
V. Saint Matthew.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancte Simon.
V. Saint Simon.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancte Thaddæe.
V. Saint Jude.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancte Matthia.
V. Saint Matthias.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancte Barnaba.
V. Saint Barnabas.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancte Luca.
V. Saint Luke.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancte Marce.
V. Saint Mark.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Omnes sancti Apóstoli et Evangelistæ.
V. All ye holy Apostles and Evangelists.
R. Orate pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Omnes sancti Discípuli Dómini.
V. All ye holy Disciples of the Lord.
R. Orate pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Omnes sancti Innocéntes.
V. All ye Holy Innocents.
R. Orate pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancte Stephane.
V. Saint Stephen.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancte Laurénti.
V. Saint Lawrence.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancte Vincenti.
V. Saint Vincent.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancti Fabiane et Sebastiane.
V. Saint Fabian and Saint Sebastian.
R. Orate pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancti Joánnes et Paule.
V. Saint John and Saint Paul.
R. Orate pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancti Cosma et Damiane.
V. Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian.
R. Orate pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancti Gervasi et Protasi.
V. Saint Gervasius and Saint Protasius.
R. Orate pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Omnes sancti Mártyres.
V. All ye holy Martyrs.
R. Orate pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancte Silvester.
V. Saint Sylvester.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancte Gregóri.
V. Saint Gregory.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancte Ambrósi.
V. Saint Ambrose.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancte Augustine.
V. Saint Augustine.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancte Hieronyme.
V. Saint Jerome.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancte Martine.
V. Saint Martin.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancte Nicolaë.
V. Saint Nicholas.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Omnes sancti Pontifices et Confessores.
V. All ye holy Bishops and Confessors.
R. Orate pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Omnes sancti Doctores.
V. All ye holy Doctors.
R. Orate pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancte Antoni.
V. Saint Anthony.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancte Benedicte.
V. Saint Benedict.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancte Bernarde.
V. Saint Bernard.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancte Dominice.
V. Saint Dominic.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Sancte Francisce.
V. Saint Francis.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.

V. Omnes sancti Sacerdótes et Levitæ.
V. All ye holy Priests and Levites.
R. Orate pro nobis.
R. Pray for …
Bella y solemne letanía, solo los católicos tenemos estas gracias 😡
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es la oración mas bonita que he oído en la iglesia..... ✍️ 🙏
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Gracias! felicidades!!! en compañía de todos los Santos 👏
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