Papal visit to the United States: Christ, Our Hope. Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone's interviews with Fox News and the Associated Press and a Time Magazine cover story are only some of …More
Papal visit to the United States: Christ, Our Hope.

Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone's interviews with Fox News and the Associated Press and a Time Magazine cover story are only some of the signs of the American press's interest in Benedict XVI's upcoming visit to the United States. The theme of the visit is "Christ, Our Hope". This theme, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone told the American media, is close to the spirit of the Holy Father, who is not a pessimistic Pope, but one who instills trust. Benedict chose this theme, as he himself explained, because modern society and the world in general risk losing trust in humanity, trust in life itself, when faced with all the challenges and problems that encumber mankind. With this in mind, the Holy Father hopes to give a strong injection of hope to the world.