Gloria.TV News on the 15th of May. The Façade Remains: Boston Holy Trinity Church, the former home of the German Catholic Community and the Traditional Latin Mass was sold in November. There are plans …More
Gloria.TV News on the 15th of May.

The Façade Remains: Boston Holy Trinity Church, the former home of the German Catholic Community and the Traditional Latin Mass was sold in November. There are plans to transform the building into an eight-story structure boasting 33 residential units. The church and rectory’s exterior facade shall be kept while the interior of the building will be completely demolished and rebuilt. Atop the building will rise a glass and steel structure.

Reign of Absurdity: In Ireland Catholic parents are being banned from taking pictures during religious ceremonies including baptism, first communion, confirmation or weddings because the Church - no joke - fears images of children may end up in the hands of potential abusers. The rules derive from the 'Safeguarding Standards' guidelines, introduced in 2008. Quote: “The risk issue is people will be taking pictures of kids who are not related to them, and for inappropriate reasons."

Who names these bishops? The guy with the pectoral cross in the midst of this group is Monsignor Xavier Novell, the bishop of Solsona in the north-east of Spain. The famous Spanish blog La Cigüeña de la Torre comments: “In order to deserve a minimum of respect a bishop must have a minimum of dignity. And this fool does not.” In the past, Novell has dressed up like a devil. The blog adds: “Who names these bishops?”

In Cahoots: The British newspaper The Independent reported yesterday that Saudi Arabia and Turkey – both very close allies of the U.S. – are working tightly with the Al Qaeda affiliate Jabhat an-Nusra to overthrow the Syrian government. Syrian Al Qaeda is closed connected with ISIS in Iraq. Both groups are responsible for killing and exiling of thousands of Christians.
Thanks for the news, Lucia and Doina.
Happy Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ:
Ascensión de Nuestro Señor a los cielos: Ascendit Deus in iubilatione
Blessings. 😇 😇 😇 🤗
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