Christians, according to the Spirit, without fear, asks Pope. "To be like children to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, open to the newness and to the joy and the freedom of the Spirit." Francis repeated …More
Christians, according to the Spirit, without fear, asks Pope.

"To be like children to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, open to the newness and to the joy and the freedom of the Spirit." Francis repeated this in his homily. "These Christians, who are closed, who are encaged, these sad Christians...they are not free. Why? Because they are afraid of the freedom of the Holy Spirit, who comes by preaching. And this is the scandal of preaching, about which St. Paul spoke: the scandal of preaching that finishes in the scandal of the cross. It scandalizes that God would speak to us through men with limits, sinful men: This scandalizes! And it scandalizes more that God would speak to us through a man that says he is the Son of God, but ends as a criminal. This scandalizes."