Strange Pipe Organ Sounds. Alternative watching: youtu.be/WO3Vj9G-26o Most people think that Pipe Organs are only capable of producing the classical evil growl from horror movies, but in truth, they …Više
Strange Pipe Organ Sounds.

Alternative watching: youtu.be/WO3Vj9G-26o Most people think that Pipe Organs are only capable of producing the classical evil growl from horror movies, but in truth, they are capable of making quite a wide variety of noises that you wouldn't normally expect to come from a Pipe Organ.

Here are a few from the organ I play.

And don't ask how it makes some of those sounds, because I haven't got a clue.

Songs in the order I play them:
1.) The Ballad of the Wind Fish
2.) Robotnik's Theme (again)
3.) Grunty's Lair (Click Clock Woods version)
4.) The Jolly Caballero
5.) Carol of the Bells
6.) and a long drawn out note from the biggest pipe on the organ (You may have to turn up your volume all the way to hear it)


Orgulje sa neobičnim i nesvakidašnjim zvukom.
Većina ljudi misli kako su crkvene orgulje sposobne
proizvoditi samo sablasne i jezive zvuke iz klasičnih
horror filmova, no, ustvari one su u stanju stvoriti
vrlo široku paletu zvukova za koje nikad ne biste
rekli ili očekivali da mogu doći iz klasičnih orgulja.
Evo nekoliko primjera na orguljama koje sam uspio
otsvirati ja sam (mišljeno autor videa na You Tube)
I ne pitajte me kako sam uspio te neke zvuke proizvesti
jer to ni ja sam ne znam i nije mi baš sasvim jasno kako.
Spisak glazbenih komada iz filmova
tim redom kako ćete ih čuti na videu:
1.) The Ballad of the Wind Fish
2.) Robotnik's Theme (again)
3.) Grunty's Lair (Click Clock Woods version)
4.) The Jolly Caballero
5.) Carol of the Bells
6.) i dugi duboki zvuk iz najveće cijevi na orguljama,
možda ćete morati pojačati zvuk da ga dobro čujete.