Radio Roman Catholic - Jewish Revolutionary Spirit. "When the Jews rejected Christ, they rejected Logos in all of its forms and became, as a result, enemies of the social order. When the Jews chose …More
Radio Roman Catholic - Jewish Revolutionary Spirit.

"When the Jews rejected Christ, they rejected Logos in all of its forms and became, as a result, enemies of the social order. When the Jews chose Barabbas over Christ, in other words, they became revolutionaries. For 2000 years now we have been living with the consequences of their decision. For over 40 years now, a veil of silence has descended over a topic which Americans can no longer ignore. That veil has now been rent.

The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History by E. Michael Jones. Jews for Jesus versus Jews against Jesus; Christians versus Jews; Christians versus Judaizers. This book is the story of such contests played out over 2000 turbulent years. In his most ambitious work yet, Dr. E. Michael Jones provides a breathtaking and controversial tour of history from the Gospels to Julian the Apostate to the Hussites to the French Revolution to Neoconservatism and the End of History. A Must Read."

Source: youtube.com/watch?v=T-gefwlK39k