9/11 Rally: No Mosque at Ground Zero. Exclusive footage: America is against the mega mosque at Ground Zero. "We will never forget!"More
9/11 Rally: No Mosque at Ground Zero.

Exclusive footage: America is against the mega mosque at Ground Zero. "We will never forget!"
We will never forget! The woman in this video points out the very crucial point that "so-called" moderate muslims are not speaking out against the mosque. There is a good reason for this-they are not against defiling Ground Zero with a mosque. "Moderate muslims" are not speaking out against the mosque for 2 main reasons: 1. They don't oppose the mosque. 2. They realize that they "the muslims" are …More
We will never forget! The woman in this video points out the very crucial point that "so-called" moderate muslims are not speaking out against the mosque. There is a good reason for this-they are not against defiling Ground Zero with a mosque. "Moderate muslims" are not speaking out against the mosque for 2 main reasons: 1. They don't oppose the mosque. 2. They realize that they "the muslims" are still a minority in this society and so they choose to let the ignorant, politically-correct-liberals destroy this country for them. The muslims are the most intollerant people on earth and in muslim countries Jews and Christians are persecuted mercilessly. Muslims realize that in the United States the mentally-disordered liberal will speak against their own country in favor of the muslim so muslims, who are anything but politically-correct let the suicidal liberal do the work of destroying our society for them!