Gloria.TV News on the 26th of August 2015 Coincidence? Vaticanist Sandro Magister has noticed that there is a stange coincidence betweeen the gospel which is read in the whole Church on October 4th …More
Gloria.TV News on the 26th of August 2015
Coincidence? Vaticanist Sandro Magister has noticed that there is a stange coincidence betweeen the gospel which is read in the whole Church on October 4th and the Synod on the Family which will start in this very day. The Gospel is taken from Marc 10,2-12. It contains the following words of Christ: "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her; and if she divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery."
Extrordinary: Despite having well over 400 parishes New York Archdiocese ordained in 2012 only one priest. He chose to offer his first Mass in the Extraordinary Form. In June of this year, the Diocese of Charleston, South Carolina ordained to the priesthood Father Renaurd West. He chose for his first Mass to offer it in the Extraordinary Form. That same month Father Jason Christian was ordained in the Diocese of Charlotte, North Carolina. He also chose to offer his first Mass in the Extraordinary Form …More
To the contemporary Herodians for the acceptance of remarriage, St. John the Baptist should be beheaded again.
Chris P.
Thou shall not commit Adultery” – GOD’s Commandment Ex 20:14 ; Deut 5:18.
“Thou shall not covet thy Neighbor’s wife” – GOD’s Commandment Ex 20:17 ; Deut 5.20.
JESUS about divorce and remarriage – Mk 10:6-12; Mt 5:32.
JESUS about adultery, mercy, and required repentance – “Go and Sin NO more” Jn 8:11.
CCC: #1650, &1651More

Thou shall not commit Adultery” – GOD’s Commandment Ex 20:14 ; Deut 5:18.

“Thou shall not covet thy Neighbor’s wife” – GOD’s Commandment Ex 20:17 ; Deut 5.20.

JESUS about divorce and remarriage – Mk 10:6-12; Mt 5:32.

JESUS about adultery, mercy, and required repentance – “Go and Sin NO more” Jn 8:11.

CCC: #1650, &1651