Gloria.TV News on the 7th of June 2013 To watch all the news click here: @Gloria.TV News Liturgy Yesterday the Church commemorated Saint Norbert. Every priest and bishop was supposed to read about …More
Gloria.TV News on the 7th of June 2013
To watch all the news click here: @Gloria.TV News
Yesterday the Church commemorated Saint Norbert. Every priest and bishop was supposed to read about his life in the breviary. One sentence deserves to be mentioned – quote: “When he became an archbishop he tried to reform the clergy of his diocese in spite of the turmoil and commotion of the people.” In other words: Reform is nothing for wimps.
The Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Betone, has handed in his resignation last week according to Italian newspapers. However, this report has not been verified and it could be that Bertone will not leave his position this soon. He is scheduled to accompany the pope for the World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro.
The ultra liberal German Cardinal Karl Lehmann has polemicized against the traditional Latin Mass. In a report given to a German newspaper he said – quote: “I have the impression that the whole enthusiasm for Latin is …More
I find it interesting that Liberal Catholics (and I am one, I think) don't want the Latin Mass (Tridentine Mass), but I love the Latin mass. It was the mass during my young formation, i.e. communion, confirmation. I cannot see what the form of the mass has to do with Liberal and Traditional, or Conservative. Maybe that is why I sometimes get funny looks. Well, from one old Liberal, Social Justice …More
I find it interesting that Liberal Catholics (and I am one, I think) don't want the Latin Mass (Tridentine Mass), but I love the Latin mass. It was the mass during my young formation, i.e. communion, confirmation. I cannot see what the form of the mass has to do with Liberal and Traditional, or Conservative. Maybe that is why I sometimes get funny looks. Well, from one old Liberal, Social Justice Catholic I love the Latin Mass. Lets not have a triumph of form over content. What would Jesus say? Peace and Joy or as we sometimes say, Pax et Bonum The Catholic Church has it all, we should feel free to use it. I do. Gloria Burns Enoch, Ofs
Lucia 😉 😘
Thanks Gloria TV for the news.
Man kann Karneval Lachmann, den Faschingskardinal aus Mainz, der Gold mit Sch***** verwechselt und statt der hl. Kommunion lieber Todespillen austeilt, nur bemitleiden.
Uncle Joe
Thanks for the news, Lucia.
Speaking of Rio, will Gloria.tv be sending a contingent to join in the festivities?
Do I need to learn how to Samba?
Thanks for the news, Lucia.


Speaking of Rio, will Gloria.tv be sending a contingent to join in the festivities?

Do I need to learn how to Samba?
