Closing Eucharistic Liturgy 2011 presider: Archbishop José Gomez. LIVE webcast of the Closing Eucharistic Liturgy at the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress 2011, held at the Anaheim Convention …More
Closing Eucharistic Liturgy 2011

presider: Archbishop José Gomez. LIVE webcast of the Closing Eucharistic Liturgy at the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress 2011, held at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, Calif. www.recongress.org
holyrope 3
What strange pagan ceremony was that? Barefoot women prancing around with flaming fire pots? Were those the Vestal Virgins of Rome, guarding the sacred fire? Or Zoroastrian priestesses? Or was it a commercial for a new type of portable hibachi grill?