Zawlaszczanie zasobow naturalnych w UE - polityka niemiecka. www.youtube.com/watch Niemieckie kartele forsuja i kontynuuja polityke nazistowska w Unii Europejskiej. Politycy poszczegolnych panstw to …Więcej
Zawlaszczanie zasobow naturalnych w UE - polityka niemiecka.
Niemieckie kartele forsuja i kontynuuja polityke nazistowska w Unii Europejskiej. Politycy poszczegolnych panstw to marionetki na uslugach i do propagowania w narodach postanowien i zarzadzen polityki niemieckiej. Angela Merkel w prostej linii jest kontynuatorka polityki hitlerowskiej a wielu skazanych z Norymbergii po II wojnie swiatowej budowali i buduja wczesniej EWG a dzisiaj Unie Europejska.
German cartels pushing and continues the policy of the Nazis in the European Union. Politicians are puppets of the individual states the service economy and to promote in the nations and courses held by the provisions of German policy. Angela Merkel in a straight line is a legacy of the Nazi policy and many prisoners from Nuremberg after World War II built and are building today before the EEC and …Więcej
German cartels pushing and continues the policy of the Nazis in the European Union. Politicians are puppets of the individual states the service economy and to promote in the nations and courses held by the provisions of German policy. Angela Merkel in a straight line is a legacy of the Nazi policy and many prisoners from Nuremberg after World War II built and are building today before the EEC and European Unions.