Pope Francis: ecumenism of blood unites us. Christians are called to follow the example of Jesus in encountering, listening and working together with others to spread the message of the Gospel in the …More
Pope Francis: ecumenism of blood unites us.

Christians are called to follow the example of Jesus in encountering, listening and working together with others to spread the message of the Gospel in the modern world. That was Pope Francis’ message to members of all the different Christian Churches gathered in the Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls on Sunday evening to mark the conclusion of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The theme for the 2015 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity was focused on the story of Jesus who asks the Samaritan woman for a drink of water from her well, engaging her in conversation despite the Samaritans being seen as heretics by the Jews. Addressing Orthodox, Anglican, Lutheran, Methodist, Reformed and Evange ...