Morning Prayer for Thursday, November 14, 2013 Morning Prayer for Thursday of the Thirty-Second Week of Ordinary Time Please note, we have received multiple requests from listeners for a Spanish version …More
Morning Prayer for Thursday, November 14, 2013
Morning Prayer for Thursday of the Thirty-Second Week of Ordinary Time
Please note, we have received multiple requests from listeners for a Spanish version. To honor those requests, for the reasons listed below, we will upload a Spanish version each Monday beginning November 18 for a period of time. Tuesday through Friday will be in English, as usual. Please let us know what you think.
(1) a business decision - though I do this on a voluntary basis, I try to behave as if it were a small business by sticking to commitments, looking for ways to improve the product, reach new audiences, etc.
(2) a personal decision - my Italian mother taught Spanish in High School for 30 years, my wife was born in Colombia and I travelled to Latin America for and Spain for years on business. I love the Spanish language and many sub-cultures. I'm not at all fluent, but I can read, and therefore narrate (with my wife's help on pronunciation).
(3) …More
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Susy Longoria
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