Gloria.TV News on the 13th of May. No Problem: In an interview with the magazine of the Latin Mass Society Bishop Mark O’Toole of Plymouth has praised the fidelity of those attending the Old Mass and …More
Gloria.TV News on the 13th of May.

No Problem: In an interview with the magazine of the Latin Mass Society Bishop Mark O’Toole of Plymouth has praised the fidelity of those attending the Old Mass and said he would like to establish a systematised provision of the Old Mass for his faithful. If people attend to the Old Mass instead of going to their New Rite parish church, he does not see this as a problem.

Embarrassing: On May 10 titular archbishop Víctor Manuel Fernández gave an embarrassing interview to the Corriere della Sera in which he discarded the Roman Curia, the Vatican and all Cardinals as – quote – “a non essential structure” and attacked the prefect of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller. Fernández is the rector of the Catholic University of Argentina and has been the personal theologian of the Pope since the time when he was archbishop of Buenos Aires.

Trashed: In an article on his blog, Sandro Magister writes that archbishop Fernández wrote the draft of Francis’ encyclical on ecology. But the Pope trashed the draft. According to Magister he may have done so because he was foreboding that cardinal Müller would anyway have discarded the text.

Refused: When then Buenos Aires archbishop Bergoglio proposed Fernández as the new rector of the Catholic University of Argentina, the Congregation for Catholic Education refused him. Magister is convinced that the Congregation had more than one reason to do so. But in 2009 the Congregation gave in to the pressure of archbishop Bergoglio.

Kisses: Magister believes that the book revealing to the world the genius of archbishop Fernández is: “Heal me with your mouth. The art of kissing”, published in 1995 by the editor Lumen. Fernández writes in the presentation of the book: “I want to clarify that this book was not written based on my personal experience but based on the lives of those who kiss.” And: “Therefore I have spoken for a long time to many people who have much experience in this field.”
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The Bishop of Rome.
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The Bishop of Rome.

The Franciscan Pontificate
Eileen Ratigan
You JUST can't make this stuff up.
Judas, betrayest thou the Son of man with a kiss?
Luke 22 48