Giving God’s Mercy. Giving God’s Mercy Accept God’s mercy and be set free. A Note From Fr. Barr Liturgy of the Eucharist: Part 6 Week we looked at how it is primarily the act of Jesus who offers the …More
Giving God’s Mercy.

Giving God’s Mercy

Accept God’s mercy and be set free.

A Note From Fr. Barr

Liturgy of the Eucharist: Part 6

Week we looked at how it is primarily the act of Jesus who offers the “sacrifice of praise” of our lives to the Heavenly Father. When the people have declared their sacrifice and the priest has declared this before God, the priest then goes over the accounts of God’s goodness to us. It reminds me of Deuteronomy where Moses exhorts the people to listen to God because of all the things He has done for them. He would list the miracles from Egypt through the desert. It was a way to help the people of God find courage in the act or worship since He has been so good to His people. Indeed He has been good to us.

The priest exhorts us, “It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation always and everywhere to give you thanks. …” This begins the prayer called the “Preface”. All the prefaces start in a similar way. If we do not understand the reality of this statement, we are lost. The body of the preface gets into some of the details of God’s goodness to us. It gives reason why it is right and just, why it is our duty and our very salvation to give Him thanks. Preface number IV says, “For by his birth he brought renewal to humanity’s fallen state, and by his suffering, cancelled out our sins; …” There are over 50 different prefaces paying tribute to God’s goodness to us. I suppose there could be an eternal list of His goodness. Listening to the greatness of God brings great peace to know that God really does care. He is really there in this act of worship: and He is there to bring goodness into our lives. It is an anticipation of joy, waiting for our Heavenly Father to raise us up and rejoice in our common son-ship. He raises us up to share in His very self!

God is so pleased with doing these works for our salvation, even the angels and saints rejoice in this ultimate gift of self; God to us. “And so with the company of Angels and saints, we sing the hymn of your praise…” the end of Preface IV says. Not only do the angels and saints sing the hymn of praise, but we actually get to participate in what is going on in heaven when we sing the “Holy, Holy”. We become one with the church triumphant.

To hear more from Father Barr, please go to: www.stjosephstmary.com