Observations of Jerusalem Residents on the Synod. Shadi Deeb, Student, Frere School, Jerusalem, "Yes, I know about the Synod. The Pope has summoned the bishops to study questions of Christians here …More
Observations of Jerusalem Residents on the Synod.

Shadi Deeb, Student, Frere School, Jerusalem, "Yes, I know about the Synod. The Pope has summoned the bishops to study questions of Christians here and in the Middle East. "

Roje Sleiman, Student, Frere School, Jerusalem: "We hope that they succeed in improving the situation of Christians in this land."

Michael Yousef, Student Frere School, Jerusalem: "I hope that Christians of the Holy Land believe in this Instrumentum. I know that priests and patriarchs have gone to Rome to draw it to a conclusion."

Minerva Hodali, Teacher, Frere School, Jerusalem: "This Synod touches on the problems that we experience every day, such as the coexistence of religions, employment and social life. We hope it's able to solve these problems."

Fares Michael, Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem: "I only heard about the Synod in a general way, mostly from the internet. I hope that this Synod will bring positive results for the Christians in the Holy Land and the Middle East. We hope that we receive moral support. We are not asking for material help. "

Hala Jahsham, Merchant, Old Town Jerusalem: "How will the document that comes out of the Synod be put into practice? Young people here are wondering what future they have in this country."

Sami Yousef, Director of the Pontifical Mission for Palestine and Israel: "We look forward to what will come out of the Synod and its consequences. We hope that the drafting of the document does not take too much time, because sometimes it can take months or even years ... We also hope that once the Synod and the document are drafted, we'll have the facts to solve the difficult situation we are facing".