Unity March. RT on Jan 11, 2015 Hundreds of thousands are marching through Paris in solidarity with the 17 victims of the attack at Charlie Hebdo, and the atrocities that followed in three days of …More
Unity March.

RT on Jan 11, 2015 Hundreds of thousands are marching through Paris in solidarity with the 17 victims of the attack at Charlie Hebdo, and the atrocities that followed in three days of terror. Over 40 world leaders joined the “cry for freedom” rally.
✍️ Sorry, Gregory , although I don't agree these people should have been killed, poli75 is right... 🤗 A Happy and Blessed New Year! 😇
Charlie hedbo is rasist , criminal and xenofob , they deserv it
Honored and proud to see so many dignified world leaders joined in such extraordinary unity after the acts of terror in France; and ashamed of American Leaders, the Obama administration, for their careless and poor reception to the people of France; giving way to excuses, and following their own inclination, waiting for a favorable political wind to blow. The American people expect more and require …More
Honored and proud to see so many dignified world leaders joined in such extraordinary unity after the acts of terror in France; and ashamed of American Leaders, the Obama administration, for their careless and poor reception to the people of France; giving way to excuses, and following their own inclination, waiting for a favorable political wind to blow. The American people expect more and require more of our Leaders and deeply regret that they failed to act with promptitude and influence to support the French and join in this march of freedom.

Vive la France!
This week's Charlie Hebdo to feature Mohammed cartoons: lawyer 🙄 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🤨