40 Brave Soldiers for The Lord. D4knah on Mar 1, 2012More
40 Brave Soldiers for The Lord.
D4knah on Mar 1, 2012
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da hatten wir herrlichstes Frühlingswetter und total warm wars!
10. März, der "40 Märtyrer-Tag" ein wichtiger "Lostag" im bäuerlichen Kalender.
So wie das Wetter an "40 Martyrer" so ist es 40 Tage lang; es hat sich diese Ansicht schon öfters bestätigt. Besonders gefürchtet ist an diesem Tag der "Tauernwind"; wenn der 40 Tage weht/stürmt, so bedeutet das ein trockenes Frühjahr mit magerer Heuernte!
10 Mars Les Quarante Martyrs de Sébaste († 320)
L'empereur Licinius ayant ordonné que toute son armée sacrifiât aux dieux, quarante soldats de la Légion fulminante, alors campée à Sébaste, en Arménie, refusèrent de trahir la foi de leur baptême et n'eurent tous qu'une réponse aussi simple que sublime: "Nous sommes chrétiens!" Ni la douceur, ni les menaces ne peuvent les gagner, et, après …More
10 Mars Les Quarante Martyrs de Sébaste († 320)
L'empereur Licinius ayant ordonné que toute son armée sacrifiât aux dieux, quarante soldats de la Légion fulminante, alors campée à Sébaste, en Arménie, refusèrent de trahir la foi de leur baptême et n'eurent tous qu'une réponse aussi simple que sublime: "Nous sommes chrétiens!" Ni la douceur, ni les menaces ne peuvent les gagner, et, après quelques jours de prison, ils sont conduits au supplice.
On était en plein hiver. Il y avait près de la ville un étang couvert de glace; le gouverneur donna l'ordre d'y exposer les quarante soldats pendant toute une nuit. Les saints martyrs, joyeux de souffrir pour Jésus-Christ, disaient: "Il est bien difficile, sans doute, de supporter un froid si aigu; mais ce sera une chose douce d'aller en Paradis par ce chemin; le tourment est peu de temps, et la gloire sera éternelle; cette nuit cruelle nous vaudra une éternité de délices. Seigneur, nous entrons quarante au combat, faites que nous soyons quarante à recevoir la couronne."
Qui pourrait imaginer les tortures endurées par ces hommes héroïques sur leur lit de glace? La seule pensée en fait frémir. Au milieu de la nuit, un des combattants se laissa vaincre par l'intensité du froid, il abandonna le poste d'honneur et vint se jeter dans le bassin d'eau tiède préparé à dessein; mais la brusque transition de température le suffoqua; il expira aussitôt, perdant à la fois la vie de la terre et la vie du Ciel: fin doublement misérable, qui ne servit qu'à fortifier tous les autres martyrs dans leur inébranlable résolution de souffrir jusqu'à la mort.
En ce moment une brillante lumière inonda la surface glacée; l'un des gardiens, ébloui par cette céleste clarté, leva les yeux et vit des anges descendre du Ciel, tenant à la main des couronnes suspendues au-dessus de la tête des généreux martyrs; mais la quarantième couronne était sans destination: "Elle sera pour moi," se dit-il, et quittant ses vêtements, il alla remplacer sur la glace le malheureux apostat, en s'écriant: "Je suis chrétien!"
Le lendemain matin, les martyrs respiraient encore; le gouverneur leur fit briser les jambes et ordonna de les jeter dans un bûcher ardent. Le plus jeune d'entre eux, Méliton, était encore plein de vie; mais, aidé des exhortations de son héroïque mère, il résista à toutes les sollicitations des bourreaux, et consomma dans le feu son sacrifice avec ses glorieux compagnons.
Leurs corps furent brûlés, et leurs ossements jetés dans une rivière; mais ils flottèrent sur l'eau et furent recueillis par les fidèles.
Les soldats chrétiens des premiers siècles ont souvent illustré leur foi et leur courage dans les supplices, au milieu des persécutions.
Abbé L. Jaud, Vie des Saints pour tous les jours de l'année, Tours, Mame, 1950
The Forty Martyrs
320 AD,Sebaste
Martyred by
Emperor Licinius
Means of martyrdom
Venerated in
Eastern Catholic Churches Eastern Orthodox Church
March 9 (East)
March 10 (West)
The Holy Forty (Ancient/Katharevousa Greek Ἃγιοι Τεσσεράκοντα, Demotic Άγιοι Σαράντα) were a group of Roman soldiers in the Legio XII Fulminata (Armed with Lightning) …More
The Forty Martyrs
320 AD,Sebaste
Martyred by
Emperor Licinius
Means of martyrdom
Venerated in
Eastern Catholic Churches Eastern Orthodox Church
March 9 (East)
March 10 (West)

The Holy Forty (Ancient/Katharevousa Greek Ἃγιοι Τεσσεράκοντα, Demotic Άγιοι Σαράντα) were a group of Roman soldiers in the Legio XII Fulminata (Armed with Lightning) whose martyrdom in 320 for the Christian faith is recounted in traditional martyrologies.
They were killed near the city of Sebaste (present-day Sivas in Turkey), in Lesser Armenia, victims of the persecutions of Licinius, who after 316, persecuted the Christians of the East. The earliest account of their existence and martyrdom is given by Bishop Basil of Caesarea (370–379) in a homily delivered on the feast of the Forty Martyrs.[1] The feast is consequently more ancient than the episcopate of Basil, whose eulogy on them was pronounced only fifty or sixty years after martyrdom.

Account of martyrdom

A miniature from the Syriac Gospel Lectionary, created c. 1220 near Mosul and exhibiting a strong Muslim-Mongol influence.
According to Basil, forty soldiers who had openly confessed themselves Christians were condemned by the prefect to be exposed naked upon a frozen pond near Sebaste on a bitterly cold night, that they might freeze to death. Among the confessors, one yielded and, leaving his companions, sought the warm baths near the lake which had been prepared for any who might prove inconstant. One of the guards set to keep watch over the martyrs beheld at this moment a supernatural brilliancy overshadowing them and at once proclaimed himself a Christian, threw off his garments, and joined the remaining thirty-nine. Thus the number of forty remained complete. At daybreak, the stiffened bodies of the confessors, which still showed signs of life, were burned and the ashes cast into a river. Christians, however, collected the precious remains, and the relics were distributed throughout many cities; in this way, veneration of the Forty Martyrs became widespread, and numerous churches were erected in their honour.
Early veneration
One of them was built at Caesarea, in Cappadocia, and it was in this church that Basil publicly delivered his homily. Gregory of Nyssa was a special client of these holy martyrs. Two discourses in praise of them, preached by him in the church dedicated to them, are still preserved[2] and upon the death of his parents, he laid them to rest beside the relics of the confessors. Ephrem the Syrian has also eulogized the forty Martyrs.[3] Sozomen, who was an eye-witness, has left an interesting account of the finding of the relics in Constantinople, in the shrine of saint Thyrsus built by Caesarius, through the instrumentality of the Empress Pulcheria.[4]
A recurring theme in Orthodox art

Ivory relief icon from Constantinople, 10th century (Bode Museum, Berlin).
Byzantine artists were fascinated with the subject that allowed them to graphically show human despair. The martyrs were typically represented at the point when they were about to freeze to death, "shivering from the cold, hugging themselves for warmth, or clasping hands to their faces or wrists in pain and despair".[5] This is particularly evident in the large 10th-century ivory plaque from the Bode Museum and the Palaiologan portable mosaic set in wax, from Dumbarton Oaks.
The subject continues to be popular among Orthodox iconographers.
Veneration in the East

Chapel of the Forty Martyrs in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem.
The cult of the Forty Martyrs is widespread all over the East. The Churches of St. Sophia in Ohrid (modern-day Republic of Macedonia) and Kiev (Ukraine) contain their depictions, datable to the 11th and 12th centuries, respectively. A number of auxiliary chapels were dedicated to the Forty, and there are several instances when an entire temple (church building) is dedicated to them: for example Xiropotamou Monastery on Mount Athos and the 13th-century Holy Forty Martyrs Church, in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria.
In Aleppo (Syria) the Armenian Cathedral is dedicated to the Forty Martyrs.
The feast day of the Forty Martyrs falls on March 9, and is intentionally placed that it will fall during Great Lent. There is an intentional play on the number forty being both the number of martyrs and the days in the fast. Their feast also falls during Great Lent so that the endurance of the martyrs will serve as an example to the faithful to persevere to the end (i.e., throughout the forty days of the fast) in order to attain heavenly reward (participation in Pascha, the Resurrection of Jesus).
A prayer mentioning the Forty Holy Martyrs of Sebaste is also placed in the Orthodox Wedding Service (referred to as a "crowning") to remind the bride and groom that spiritual crowns await them in Heaven also if they remain as faithful to Christ as these saints of long ago.
Veneration in the West
Special devotion to the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste was introduced at an early date into the West; their feast day is 10 March.[6] Bishop Gaudentius of Brescia (d. about 410 or 427) received particles of the ashes of martyrs during a voyage in the East, and placed them with other relics in the altar of the basilica which he had erected, at the consecration of which he delivered a discourse, still extant. The Church of Santa Maria Antiqua in the Roman Forum, built in the fifth century, contains a chapel, built like the church itself on an ancient site, and consecrated to the Forty Martyrs. A mural there of the sixth or seventh century depicts the martyrdom. The names of the confessors, as we find them also in later sources, were formerly inscribed on this fresco.
Acts of these martyrs, written subsequently, in Greek, Syriac and Latin, are yet extant, also a "Testament" of the Forty Martyrs.
The names of the Forty Martyrs

Orthodox church of Forty martyrs of Sebaste in Bitola, Macedonia.
The Menaion of the Eastern Orthodox Church lists the names of the Forty Martyrs as follows:
Hesychius, Meliton, Heraclius, Smaragdus, Domnus, Eunoicus, Valens, Vivianus, Claudius, Priscus, Theodulus, Euthychius, John, Xantheas, Helianus, Sisinius, Cyrion, Angius, Aetius, Flavius, Acacius, Ecditius, Lysimachus, Alexander, Elias, Candidus, Theophilus, Dometian, Gaius, Gorgonius, Leontius, Athanasius, Cyril, Sacerdon, Nicholas, Valaerius, Philoctimon, Severian, Chudion, and Aglaius.[7]
According to Antonio Borrelli, their names were:
Aetius, Eutychius, Cyrius, Theophilus, Sisinnius, Smaragdus, Candidus, Aggia, Gaius, Cudio, Heraclius, John, Philotemon, Gorgonius, Cirillus, Severianus, Theodulus, Nicallus, Flavius, Xantius, Valerius, Aesychius, Eunoicus, Domitian, Domninus, Helianus, Leontius (Theoctistus), Valens, Acacius, Alexander, Vicratius (Vibianus), Priscus, Sacerdos, Ecdicius, Athanasius, Lisimachus, Claudius, Ile, Melito and Eutychus (Aglaius).[8]