Gloria.TV News on the 11th of August 2015 Interview: José Ignacio Bergoglio, a nephew of the Pope, has told the Spanish paper ABC that at first the Pope’s mother was not happy with her son’s decision …More
Gloria.TV News on the 11th of August 2015
Interview: José Ignacio Bergoglio, a nephew of the Pope, has told the Spanish paper ABC that at first the Pope’s mother was not happy with her son’s decision to become a priest. He had promised her to study medicine. When she found out about his change of mind she said: “Jorge, you have lied to me.” He replied: “No mother, I am studying medicine for the soul.” The Pope’s relatives are now more in contact with him than before. Quote: “When he lived in Buenos Aires we did not call because we knew that he was loaded with work. Now, we call him every Sunday.” He also said that Francis did not change his ideas since becoming Pope. Quote: “At times he seems revolutionary, but he isn’t realy.”
Self-Distruction: Yesterday the journalist Johannes Rösler attacked the Church on katholisch.de, the site of the German Catholic Church. Rösler suspects Christianity to be a quote an "agricultural sacrifice-religion". The Holy Cross Weather blessing is for him …More
adeste fideles
👍 He aquí un verdadero médico de almas, que obra conforme a Cristo Jesús:PADRE PIO Y LA MUJER ADÚLTERA TESTIMONIO
adeste fideles
✍️ Decir "mentiras piadosas" no es curar almas, especiamente porque la mentira jamás es piadosa,
la mentira es siempre obra diabólica que rompe la relación del hombre con Dios.
Decir que los divorciados vueltos a casar pueden comulgar, permitir que un transexual comulgue sin haberse arrepentido ni cambiado de vida, decir sobre la práctica homosexual " quién soy yo para juzagar", etc, eso NO ES …More
✍️ Decir "mentiras piadosas" no es curar almas, especiamente porque la mentira jamás es piadosa,
la mentira es siempre obra diabólica que rompe la relación del hombre con Dios.

Decir que los divorciados vueltos a casar pueden comulgar, permitir que un transexual comulgue sin haberse arrepentido ni cambiado de vida, decir sobre la práctica homosexual " quién soy yo para juzagar", etc, eso NO ES SER BUEN MÉDICO DE ALMAS. Si lo comparamos con los médicos que curan los cuerpos, quien así actuara equivaldría a ser o un falso médico o un charlatán titulado de médico ( que sí existen, lamentablemente)