
More on decision to forbid priests to celebrate the Extraordinary Form

What a lot of mistakes we have as "prelates"
Almighty God help us. Amen.

Papst an evangelischen Prediger: "Bruder Bischof"

This Pope is a worry. He is so lacking in wisdom.
Almighty God grant him the graces he needs.Amen

Pope Francis' "brother bishop" is speaking

A wee reality check for these promulgators of the "new" history ( read - their made up history to suit their own fantasies). St Francis was in fact a stern defender of the One True Church, he insisted on kneeling and kissing the Pope's feet. He taught against heretics at every turn. He had the only understanding of how to behave in the presence of Almighty God in the most Blessed Sacrament - St …More
A wee reality check for these promulgators of the "new" history ( read - their made up history to suit their own fantasies). St Francis was in fact a stern defender of the One True Church, he insisted on kneeling and kissing the Pope's feet. He taught against heretics at every turn. He had the only understanding of how to behave in the presence of Almighty God in the most Blessed Sacrament - St Francis was on his knees in awe and adoration.
He had no truck with heretics. He evangelised the pagans with zeal and courage.
St Francis please intercede with the Court of Heaven that true humility will prevail in Rome and that God protect His Body the Church from the confused and the arrogant. Amen

Gloria.TV News on the 25th of February 2014

My brother "bishop"... The heretic is not a bishop. This leads the ignorant into confusion.

Cardinal says pope wants to 'stir things up,' let people ask questions

If Pope Francis wants to stir things up why doesn't he appoint men of faith and prayer as bishops who will teach the Catholic faith and govern with courage?

Archbishop Müller attempts to head off Pope on church reform

The clergy "formed " in the sixties, oh how we laughed!

Lunacek Report (LBGT rights) adopted by European Parliament

vote against these MEP's at the elections. That will be worth watching as the morons loose their seats. It is what they deserve, they are not servants of the people but patronising, arrogant, little puffed up nobodies.
Their day is nearly done, thank God.

Catholics Trapped by Feminism

Communism force fed the gullible with this diabolical ideology - "feminism".
Denigrating men and woman. The devils work.

Priest who headed clergy addiction center is going to jail for fraud

Judas comes to mind.

Cardinal plays Samba in Church. Cardinal Maradiaga..who else? The Cardinal who treats Mass vestments …

This "prelate" is a fake, he loves adulation, it's all about him. A trend - sadly - in clergy.
When in fact he should be on his knees in front of Our Lord in the tabernacle. Not putting on a show. what a pratt.

German and Swiss Bishops publish first results of Vatican family life survey

No surprises there then. When individuals are living in a state of sin and far from the love of the Holy Trinity - they have no sight of the Lord, but rather have only a need for recognition for their sin full lives.
May Almighty God grant these poor people the humility to turn back to God and away from their sinful lives. True repentance - both in thought and in deed. Amen

When the Church of Rome Forgave Second Marriages

St John Fisher pray for Pope Francis. Amen

When the Church of Rome Forgave Second Marriages

The "Catholic" (Judas) bishops of Henry the eighths time all agreed you could divorce and re-marry. Why don't these "cardinal prelates" ask the Church of England for advice as to where Holy Mother Church went wrong all these hundreds of years?
As there are so many "prelates" calling for this Church of England "doctrine" they clearly are wiser than Our Lord, so we Catholic peasants should listen to …More
The "Catholic" (Judas) bishops of Henry the eighths time all agreed you could divorce and re-marry. Why don't these "cardinal prelates" ask the Church of England for advice as to where Holy Mother Church went wrong all these hundreds of years?
As there are so many "prelates" calling for this Church of England "doctrine" they clearly are wiser than Our Lord, so we Catholic peasants should listen to them and not Our Lord. My, my I am more and more confused.
God help the Pope. Amen

Papst verwirrt Ministranten (Nov 2013)

When will some of the prelates man up and tell the Pope to keep his mouth shut and stick to prepared speeches. What a stupid and disrespectful thing to say to a young boy. His mother must have been furious.
I am less and less impressed by our new Pope. I wish he would learn to be a little humble.

Priest cites Francis in praising students for their gay activism

I am sure the bishop will dismiss this judas priest from diocese forthwith.
If you are not for Christ, you are against him. Very basic really.

Pope’s high praise for Cardinal Sean O’Malley

This prelate is a fake shepherd, who is the pope getting advice from? numpties?

‘Fantasy’ Francis?

This Pope appears to have a serious dose of clericalism - he puts out his numptie statements and expects sheep like following from the faithful.
I think those days are well (thankfully) gone. When a cleric opens his mouth and all the old dears follow.
The Church has many more thinkers and we are in the age of the internet, information is out there very quickly. So when the Pope( and his like minded …More
This Pope appears to have a serious dose of clericalism - he puts out his numptie statements and expects sheep like following from the faithful.
I think those days are well (thankfully) gone. When a cleric opens his mouth and all the old dears follow.
The Church has many more thinkers and we are in the age of the internet, information is out there very quickly. So when the Pope( and his like minded prelates) says silly things, people can quickly see he is silly.

Almighty God protect your Vicar from his foolishness and grant him true humility. Amen.

Refusing to Submit to the Roman Pontiff is Spiritual Shipwreck: The SSPX are Protestant

Father, thank you for your positivity.
I am well aware that the Holy Father can not teach error regarding sacred dogma. However most people ( in particular the young) do not understand due to the very poor catechesis they have endured in catholic schools, the media age we live in has to be countered with truth not the confusion we have been subjected to since March 2013.
Thank you, Father, for your …More
Father, thank you for your positivity.
I am well aware that the Holy Father can not teach error regarding sacred dogma. However most people ( in particular the young) do not understand due to the very poor catechesis they have endured in catholic schools, the media age we live in has to be countered with truth not the confusion we have been subjected to since March 2013.

Thank you, Father, for your priestly ministry and service to God and His Church.

Refusing to Submit to the Roman Pontiff is Spiritual Shipwreck: The SSPX are Protestant

I listen (watch) you with regularity. I am not a member of SSPX, however I have to say the Pope has appointed Cardinals to his inner circle which cause anyone with a smidgen of intelligence ( and knowledge) grave concern.
HE Cardinal Marx of the German bishops pornography business fame.
The Cardinal from USA who accepted a "sacramental" babtismal re-affermation or some such silly name. What …More
I listen (watch) you with regularity. I am not a member of SSPX, however I have to say the Pope has appointed Cardinals to his inner circle which cause anyone with a smidgen of intelligence ( and knowledge) grave concern.
HE Cardinal Marx of the German bishops pornography business fame.
The Cardinal from USA who accepted a "sacramental" babtismal re-affermation or some such silly name. What is his agenda.
I pray for Christ's Vicar daily, however my reason tells me he is wrong; i.e. telling the faithful the worst thing in the world is youth unemployment, Our Lady accussed Almighty God for tricking her, telling reporters regarding the priest who manages the hotel he lives in ( regarding said priests very public affair with another man) who am I to judge.

Sorry father but the Pope is not wise and opens his mouth causing such very real concerns about the truth of faith.
He needs a retreat where he lays aside his all very highly intelligent Jesuit training and return to saying yes when he means yes and no when he means no- as directed by Our Lord - and stop with the all so very "clever" media grabbing statements. He does the Church no service, all he does is cause confusion, just listen to the young and their interpretation of what the Holy Father has been quoted as saying. It is not good.

ATTENTION, Pepsi, Kraft, Nestle using aborted baby's cells in their products

Thank you for this (shocking) news,
I will take it to work tommorow and share with all my colleagues and I have forwarded this filth to my large family internationally.
The directors of these companies should be ashamed of their disgraceful inhumanity and complete lack of respect.
It is frightening! What a world!