
Chinese face recognition vending machine

The cashless society. Makes it easy to eliminate your ability to engage in commerce. Revelations 13:17 "And that no man might buy or sell, but he that hath the character, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

Wisconsin must cover sex-change treatments under Medicaid, judge rules

Judge William Conley, appointed by... Barack Obama.

Law Will Fall Short - by Rev Alastair Pritchard, Templestowe

Of course the "reverend" is focused entirely on temporal matters which is not surprising considering the fact that he is protestant. What he completely misses is the most important and dire consequence of the law: it will keep penitents out of the confessional for fear of earthly retribution, thereby making them vulnerable to eternal retribution by virtue of passing from this life not having …More
Of course the "reverend" is focused entirely on temporal matters which is not surprising considering the fact that he is protestant. What he completely misses is the most important and dire consequence of the law: it will keep penitents out of the confessional for fear of earthly retribution, thereby making them vulnerable to eternal retribution by virtue of passing from this life not having confessed grave sins. That is the major problem with this law, well understood by the good priests who will not obey it.

Satan will do anything to keep souls out of the confessional. And, on that score, the law will far from "fall short." And the "reverend," being in his words "not an advocate of the rite [sic] of confession," is fully on board with the diabolical program. He's either a dunce, or intentionally speaking out of both sides of his mouth. Out of charity I'll go with the former.

Satanists Attack the Catholic Church with Black Mass in Canada -- Sign Protest

Agreed, TFP. Their word means nothing. And thanks for all that your organization does.

Two Priests Contract Together A Gay Pseudo-Marriage

The good news is that they're no longer in the priesthood, where they didn't belong in the first place. They obviously never believed any of the faith to begin with. How could they have if they think engaging in sodomy and mocking the Sacrament of Matrimony is a good? May they repent before it's too late.

Satanists Attack the Catholic Church with Black Mass in Canada -- Sign Protest

I hope and pray it isn't so but were they able to steal the Eucharistic Lord to defile Him in this ritual?

A "Saint" in His Private Swimming Pool

There is plenty to take issue with regarding JPII without bringing this up. When you're pope it's not easy to simply go to a public beach or even a private club. The monies spent on security alone for such outings would quickly exceed the monies necessary to build a pool. Not to mention take a look at the picture. In this age of ubiquitous cameras, how would it be for there to appear in the press …More
There is plenty to take issue with regarding JPII without bringing this up. When you're pope it's not easy to simply go to a public beach or even a private club. The monies spent on security alone for such outings would quickly exceed the monies necessary to build a pool. Not to mention take a look at the picture. In this age of ubiquitous cameras, how would it be for there to appear in the press all over the world pictures of a dripping wet elderly man in trunks and bathing cap with the caption: "The Pope!"

It is good that he be mindful of his fitness and physical health, as we all should. Some people ride bikes, or run. Some people find the exercise of a good swim invigorating and relaxing.

Disgraced financier Epstein found dead in cell

He had the goods on a lot of powerful people that he would have turned over in a second to get a better deal for himself. Suicide my foot.

Ohio Shooting Performed By Atheist: “I'm Going To Hell”

"Against all gods" means he acknowledges 'god(s)' exist. That's not an atheist. Although scratch the surface of a lot of self proclaimed atheists and you'll find a misotheist. He also acknowledges the existence of hell (which unfortunately makes him smarter than some bishops).
And I love the "i'm not coming back" [from hell]. As if he would have some sort of option to do so once he got there.More
"Against all gods" means he acknowledges 'god(s)' exist. That's not an atheist. Although scratch the surface of a lot of self proclaimed atheists and you'll find a misotheist. He also acknowledges the existence of hell (which unfortunately makes him smarter than some bishops).

And I love the "i'm not coming back" [from hell]. As if he would have some sort of option to do so once he got there.

John Paul II Institute: Fired Professor Speaks Out

Well I don't know. What about them?
My point is that JPII is no "magnum." The only ones who indulge that fantasy are those who are fine and dandy with all things VII but still oddly enough reserve the right to complain about it's aftermath, as if there was no causation.
You know, the 'hermeneutic of continuity," "real council versus media council," "every council takes 50 100 years to sort out so …More
Well I don't know. What about them?

My point is that JPII is no "magnum." The only ones who indulge that fantasy are those who are fine and dandy with all things VII but still oddly enough reserve the right to complain about it's aftermath, as if there was no causation.

You know, the 'hermeneutic of continuity," "real council versus media council," "every council takes 50 100 years to sort out so just be patient..." That bunch.

John Paul II Institute: Fired Professor Speaks Out

He's no magnum. That's just the temporary fantasy of the conciliar 'conservative' cheerleaders.

Bride plans to marry chandelier but is in open relationship with other objects

If I get the lovely couple a chandelier as a wedding gift would I be guilty of encouraging bigamy or adultery?

Spain: More Atheists Than Practicing Catholics

That's just a transitional state on the way to becoming mohammedans.

Clarity of Cardinal Sarah

I've had it to the eyes with the 'Sarah for Pope' nonsense. Cardinal Sarah: Francis Is A Solid Pope

$250 million Sandmann lawsuit against Washington Post dismissed by federal judge

Yep. And he was put on the bench by that nitwit extraordinaire: Jimmy Carter, who is second only to the king of nincompoopery: Barack Obama.

Cardinal DiNardo Condemns President Trump

You're putting the onus on the wrong parties. What the US government is doing wrong is dangling a carrot in front of these people with idiotic "asylum" laws and free stuff. The democrats want the votes and the republicans want to appease their donor base with cheap labor. The American worker, particularly those on the low end of the income spectrum, and American sovereignty be damned. And the US …More
You're putting the onus on the wrong parties. What the US government is doing wrong is dangling a carrot in front of these people with idiotic "asylum" laws and free stuff. The democrats want the votes and the republicans want to appease their donor base with cheap labor. The American worker, particularly those on the low end of the income spectrum, and American sovereignty be damned. And the US bishops are on board with the whole program (they get a nice fat check out of the deal to boot). That is what's "not Catholic."

And you're breaking my heart with the "separating families" propaganda. Coming from Germany you ought to know better than anybody what a fat, corrupt episcopacy hooked on government money looks like.

Priest who said he urinated in communion wine, was attracted to satanism gets 25 years for child porn

Why is it that it seems the only sick perverts like this guy and McCarrick who face any penalty (in this life) at all, all seem to be in their 70's and 80's after they've spent a lifetime engaging in their sick behavior? They're dried up old men who would have trouble doing much damage anymore so NOW they're publicly held to account after a lifetime of doing their filth with impunity?
I'm glad …More
Why is it that it seems the only sick perverts like this guy and McCarrick who face any penalty (in this life) at all, all seem to be in their 70's and 80's after they've spent a lifetime engaging in their sick behavior? They're dried up old men who would have trouble doing much damage anymore so NOW they're publicly held to account after a lifetime of doing their filth with impunity?

I'm glad they're being punished now. I hope it gives them impetus to repent before it's too late. But the cynic in me thinks it's a dog and pony show, i.e.; "let's throw some of the old geezers under the bus in order that it appears we're serious about the pervert priest problem and maybe get some of the heat off."

Planned Parenthood: Baby-Killer CEO Not Bloodthirsty Enough, Gets Fired

They did her a favor. If this woman someday repents and converts (hopefully), she'll look back on the day she got sacked as a grace from God.

Cardinal DiNardo Condemns President Trump

The usual way one goes about owning something is to buy it. And that is extremely easy when you can print money. If the government wants to heel a certain organization in order that they toe a certain line, step 1 is to simply start giving them money. Doesn't take long for them to get hooked on the revenue stream. Then they'll be as compliant as you want them to be.
This is how the US government …More
The usual way one goes about owning something is to buy it. And that is extremely easy when you can print money. If the government wants to heel a certain organization in order that they toe a certain line, step 1 is to simply start giving them money. Doesn't take long for them to get hooked on the revenue stream. Then they'll be as compliant as you want them to be.

This is how the US government owns the USCCB. Bought and paid for. Reports I've seen is that the USCCB receives around 40% of it's budget from contracts for social services from the Federal government. Much of which is to fund dealing with "migrants."

The Church in Germany is another prime example. Fat with money from the Church tax. If you say things the people don't like, like the truth, they may not choose to send the tax to your Church anymore. So tell them what they want to hear and the money will keep flowing. Disgraceful.

Is anybody actually taking Dinardo and the USCCB seriously? Nobody who's actually paying attention, for sure.

We often see pleas here and there to stop putting money in the collection basket thereby strangling this ecclesial nightmare of funding. That's a good start. But what is never addressed is the much needed effort to contact your representation in the House, who controls the purse strings, and implore them to discontinue contracting with the USCCB and it's affiliates.

Abortion Activist Miley Cyrus Refuses to Have Kids Because of “Climate Change”

I would say thank you, Miley, for not procreating.
Of course when you're a vile, nasty, angry feminist (but then I repeat myself), I imagine it has to be somewhat of a challenge to find a man who is not a drunk, desperate fool to impregnate you to begin with.
What man in his right mind would have anything to do with this sorry excuse of a woman? Any man who would can probably better serve humanity …More
I would say thank you, Miley, for not procreating.

Of course when you're a vile, nasty, angry feminist (but then I repeat myself), I imagine it has to be somewhat of a challenge to find a man who is not a drunk, desperate fool to impregnate you to begin with.

What man in his right mind would have anything to do with this sorry excuse of a woman? Any man who would can probably better serve humanity by being exempt from the human gene pool as well.

So again, Miley, on behalf of humanity past, present, and future, a thousand thanks to you for not procreating.