Quo Primum
SSPX in Schism? No. Michael Davies proves that the SSPX is a perfectly legal Society of Common Life for Clergy in the catholic Church. He demonstrates that the penalties announced by the Vatican in …More
SSPX in Schism? No.
Michael Davies proves that the SSPX is a perfectly legal Society of Common Life for Clergy in the catholic Church. He demonstrates that the penalties announced by the Vatican in 1988 are null and void.
This is part of a debate given in 1995 or so, with the the editor of "Fidelity" magazine, Dr. E.M. Jones. Davies wins hands down. His books are available from Angelus Press, and much is free on-line at www.sspxasia.com
When Davies died in 2004, then Cardinal Ratzinger praised his contribution to the history of the current crisis. Davies was the official biographer of the late Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.
Get the whole debate via "www.keepthefaith.org"
holyrope 1: Miss Maria: First of all, this is the position of the Church. When you have 1 priest such as I have, actually 2 but they don't work together, at the same mass. And a very full Church, because, they have brought numerous diocese together, because of the shortage of priests. There really is not much they can do. Because 1 priest cannot handle all the souls, that want the mass. I have no …More
holyrope 1: Miss Maria: First of all, this is the position of the Church. When you have 1 priest such as I have, actually 2 but they don't work together, at the same mass. And a very full Church, because, they have brought numerous diocese together, because of the shortage of priests. There really is not much they can do. Because 1 priest cannot handle all the souls, that want the mass. I have no problem, with what Holyrope 1 is stressing. Holyrope 1 feels, as she expresses, its just because we want to be like everyone else. I have to trust, that in times, when we did the Latin Mass, and we recieved the Eucharist on the tongue, and everything, was perfect. We had other problems, we faced. Such as schisms....schisms and more schisms. No matter what, we are going to face problems in the Church. And recieving the Eucharist on the hands, is one of them. But the ongoing attack, from the secular world, and the huminist, is far more urgent, in my opinion. Like I said, I don't throw the Baby out with the Bath, because I also, attend Mass, daily, when I can. And its much smaller, and we recieve the Eucharist, by the priest, on the tongue at that time. What I concentrate more on, is being worthy, to recieve the Holy Eucharist. I am battling, with many fundamentalists, right now, that see, no need to even be Catholic. I agree with Holyrope 1. And I have talked to my father Flores, and he is going to try and start doing a Latin Mass, at the first of the year. And he knows how to do it. And it has been on his heart, for awhile. So that means, God is tugging on, his devout Priests hearts. He recognizes, the Mass, is completely out of control. And I am sure the Church, realizes that also. I don't think many Catholics even realize, its wrong to recieve the Eucharist by hand. I don't like it, because I like the hard core Traditionalists....but like Miss Maria, I am not going to throw the Baby out with the bath water. Because compared to the Protestants, form of worship, I am in Heaven. Soon I will go to a Latin Mass, in a big church, and once I do, I am sure, I will be side by side, with holyrope 1....saying.....LETS GET THIS RIGHT.....LOL..LOL......GIVE ME, A LATIN MASS OR TO....AND I WILL JUMP HEAD FIRST IN, AND START PICKETING MY OWN CHURCH, IF I FEEL ITS GODS WILL......until then, we are in troubling times, with many enemies, coming out of the woodwork, telling our society, there is no need for God. We are all, small gods....don't worry, just be good...for goodness sake.......its pretty scary. I believe, we will all face really difficult prosecution, soon. Just to be able, to worship, in our country. God bless us, peace in Jesus and Mary..... ✍️ ✍️
I am interested in concencrating my entire life to the Lord Jesus Christ, and following, the Lord, on that narrow road, he has proclaimed...... 🙂 if I was younger, I would be following EJG catholic, who just entered a monestary, in Europe.....
There are many people I've talked with regarding receiving in the hands. Many there are who do agree and say, "I would rather receive on the tongue, because I think it is more reverent and that's how we were taught for centuries. Reason why they'll still receive in their hands? Because they want to be like everyone else. So if someone jumps off the cliff, you going to join them?
If any person who …More
There are many people I've talked with regarding receiving in the hands. Many there are who do agree and say, "I would rather receive on the tongue, because I think it is more reverent and that's how we were taught for centuries. Reason why they'll still receive in their hands? Because they want to be like everyone else. So if someone jumps off the cliff, you going to join them?

If any person who feels and believes that God would want to be received on the tongue and by consecrated hands only, then that's how they should receive. Not because the majority does it one way. People want to "blend" in with everyone else...Rather than do what they really believe is right. How sad. They're afraid of calling attention to themselves. Could you imagine if the Apostles felt that way?

How people choose to receive Our Blessed Lord is something they have to live with, like all the other choices they make.

A wonderful book by Venerable Mary of Agreda, called "The City of God" states that at the Last Supper when Jesus was giving His Body to His Apostles, an angel of the Lord gave this same Communion to Our Lady. When she receive It (Her Son) ON HER TONGUE, SHE IMMEDIATELY PROSTRATED ONTO THE GROUND! If we are suppose to be imitating this HOLY WOMAN, GOD's MOTHER, then why are people receiving in their hands and while standing?

Communion in the hand is not mentioned in a single document of the Second Vatican Council, nor was it mentioned during any of the debates during the council.

The teaching of St. Thomas Aquinas, in his great "Summa Theologica" bears this out. He explains:

"The dispensing of Christ's Body belongs to the priest for three reasons.

"FIRST, he consecrates in the person of Christ. But as Christ consecrated His Body at the (Last) Supper, so also He gave It to others to be partaken of by them. Accordingly, as the consecration of Christ's Body belongs to the priest, so likewise does the dispensing belong to him."

"SECOND, because the priest is the appointed intermediary between God and the people, hence as it belongs to him to offer the people's gifts to God, so it belongs to him to deliver the consecrated gifts to the people."

"THIRD, because out of reverence for this Sacrament, nothing touches It but what is consecrated; hence the corporal and the chalice are consecrated, and likewise the priest's hands for touching this Sacrament. Hence, it is not lawful for anyone else to touch It, except from necessity, for instance, if It were to fall upon the ground or else in some other case of urgency." (ST, III, Q.82,Art. 13)


documents of Vat II.....Abbot Edition

Dominicae Cenae - Pope John Paul II.....2/24/80

The Great Heresies- Hilaire Belloc

Immensae Caritatis - Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship- 1/29/73

The Last Roman Catholic? - James W. Demers

Memoriale Domini - Pope Paul VI - 5/29/69

Summa Theologica - Saint Thomas Aquinas

Rev, I don't know what your definition of "absolutely necessary" is. If it means having to cross over the aisle to receive from consecrated hands, and you choose not to...how could anyone call that as "absolutely necessary?" I don't know your reason...but I do know, that ALL Catholics should Pay the UTMOST RESPECT AND REVERENCE DUE HIM! We are suppose to set the example as did the Apostles and Christ's Mother. Peace 🤗
Miss Maria
I am a little torn on this one, when I go to Mass I am so involved in the fact that we are about to receive the Eucharist that I am not sitting there wondering who is going to administer it to me. Sure, I rather go to the priest and receive the Eucharist from him, but I just can't fill my mind with thoughts of doubt and wonder if lay persons can or should administer while my mind and soul is focused …More
I am a little torn on this one, when I go to Mass I am so involved in the fact that we are about to receive the Eucharist that I am not sitting there wondering who is going to administer it to me. Sure, I rather go to the priest and receive the Eucharist from him, but I just can't fill my mind with thoughts of doubt and wonder if lay persons can or should administer while my mind and soul is focused on Mass.

What is the official word from the Vatican in regards to lay persons administering the Eucharist?

I personally would not administer the Eucharist as a lay person because I am just not worthy to even touch Him. So that is where I am torn, I could not even fathom myself administering the Eucharist, yet, I am not so bent out of shape as to not receive the Eucharist from a lay person. Again, if the Pope were to come out and say do not receive the Eucharist from anyone other than the Priest then I wouldn't think twice about it. Does the Eucharist lose it's value whatsoever if it is given by a lay person? Is it not still the body and blood of our Risen Savior? My main focus in Mass is receiving Him and being present both mind and spirit.

Maria :)
Holyrope 1: I recieve the Eucharist, from unconsecrated hands, only when absolutly necessary. The Lord has told me, he can concecrate the Host from the floor, if he wants to. You have to be careful Holyrope 1 not to fall into the trap Martin Luther fell into. And that was he didn't like one thing, so he threw the baby out with the bathwater! We have to remember Holyrope 1, in the history of our …More
Holyrope 1: I recieve the Eucharist, from unconsecrated hands, only when absolutly necessary. The Lord has told me, he can concecrate the Host from the floor, if he wants to. You have to be careful Holyrope 1 not to fall into the trap Martin Luther fell into. And that was he didn't like one thing, so he threw the baby out with the bathwater! We have to remember Holyrope 1, in the history of our beloved Church, we have had many schizms, and the new mass, is just another one, that will be corrected over time. There are still many priests, that are under the disillusionment, that the new mass, has made it easier, for protestants, and ex-catholics, to understand. The new mass, is not the only problem we have. Look at the schizm, between, the east and the west. They hardly, see Rome as the chair of Peter. It will take God, to fix these issues, me stepping out of line, won't make a difference. Only God, can stir the hearts of the Priests, and open there eyes. And there is not a latin Mass, in our state. And if there is one, its a 1000 miles away. Would you, expect me, to not attend the new mass at all? Why don't you get on the phone, and Call Pope Benedict XVI 🤗 and get this worked out. lol..lol....Martin Luther Holyrope 1: also became obsessed with one, issue, and look what happened to him. I am not willing to throw the baby, out with the bathwater.......... 😇
REVTHREE.....You mean you would still take communion from UNCONSECRATED HANDS??? After what you wrote, it is somewhat bewildering why you would settle to go with a lay person, when you can receive from CONSECRATED HANDS. Doesn't matter where you sit, come now....The Eucharist was NEVER MEANT TO BE HANDLED BY LAY PEOPLE. There is nothing to fear in crossing into another line or walking around in …More
REVTHREE.....You mean you would still take communion from UNCONSECRATED HANDS??? After what you wrote, it is somewhat bewildering why you would settle to go with a lay person, when you can receive from CONSECRATED HANDS. Doesn't matter where you sit, come now....The Eucharist was NEVER MEANT TO BE HANDLED BY LAY PEOPLE. There is nothing to fear in crossing into another line or walking around in order to receive from a priest. Did you check out the names/addresses I gave you with Latin Masses in your state?
Whattosay: Well, I think, the majority vote has it, I totally agree, with all three of the previous comments.....I think, if you study the Church, after Vatican II, you will see a complete meltdown. And Holyrope1 didn't mention, gay priests, changing there Church colors to purple, or a malignant priest, squirting holy water, on there members with a giant squirt gun....one of those, real big ones..…More
Whattosay: Well, I think, the majority vote has it, I totally agree, with all three of the previous comments.....I think, if you study the Church, after Vatican II, you will see a complete meltdown. And Holyrope1 didn't mention, gay priests, changing there Church colors to purple, or a malignant priest, squirting holy water, on there members with a giant squirt gun....one of those, real big ones....I think, they are called Super Soakers..... 🥴 .....from what I see, the Church was warned by previous Popes, that a malignant enemy, was infiltrating the Church.....from communist Athiest priests, sent by Lennin....to very moderate and liberal priests, that came from secret society's, like the Free Masons, that are more interested in having a grand tea party, with other faiths, such as the Jews, and the Muslims....seeking truth....and literally making statements like..."We are joining our Jewish and Muslim brothers, seeking Truth....????" To be honest with you, statements like that are very frightening....I left the Fundamentalist camp, because I truly believe, the Catholic Church, is the Truth, so I don't think we need to look for the Truth, with the Jews or the Muslims.....and I believe we all know scripture backs this up.....I agree, with rhemes1582: As soon as SSPX branches out to Idaho, or St. Pius V.....branches out here to Idaho, and the Latin Mass, comes with them....I won't have to gamble with myself, which side of the Alter my priest comes around, so I can recieve the Eucharist, directly on the tongue....and not have to get all frustrated, when I have to recieve it from a Eucharist minister by hand.......I also expect these two Traditional Churches, I listed to immediatly, put kneelers in, so I can kneel, to recieve the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord.....

In Jesus and Mary
The SSPX do not clown, teddy bear, motorcycle, beach, magical, or gymnastic masses. If that is what your looking for, you can only find them at your local modern novus ordo masses nearest you. Happy findings, and pls call in advance as some parishes DO allow you to bring your pet to mass also! Why, is not that so darn thoughtful?
The SSPX has never been unfaithful to the Roman Catholic Church.
The SSPX has never been in schism.
Thee SSPX has never lost the Faith.
The Conciliar Church cut itself off from the Roman Catholic Church when it became a protestant Church and lost the faith.
What a closed mind you must have. How blind you must be. How deaf you must be.
The motto of Gloria TV is The Catholic the Better!
You cannot …More
The SSPX has never been unfaithful to the Roman Catholic Church.
The SSPX has never been in schism.
Thee SSPX has never lost the Faith.
The Conciliar Church cut itself off from the Roman Catholic Church when it became a protestant Church and lost the faith.
What a closed mind you must have. How blind you must be. How deaf you must be.
The motto of Gloria TV is The Catholic the Better!
You cannot get more Catholic, True Catholic than the SSPX.
Pope Benedict XVI agrees. ✍️
😡 This is Terrible!!! It Should be taken down from the website!! This has no place in a Roman Catholic Video website always faithful to the Roman Catholic Church and its teachings!!!