


A subcutaneous RFID chip...


The first version of this article was published in 2002. Since then, the trend towards the elimination of freedoms has never wavered. Instead, it was confirmed and strengthened, and the technologies described below have continued to diversify and spread... 12 years later, the fact is that these technologies are beginning to expand and to be applied in a growing number of countries.

The dangers of these implants are now well known and widely documented.

The following update is a stern warning to all humanity about the very dangerous chip implants. Its purpose is to warn once again the people and maybe - who knows - to trigger the reaction that has desperately been missing so far...


Electronic chips became so "ordinary" nowadays that we don't even think about them anymore. They are everywhere: in our calculators, our computers, our household appliance etc. For a couple of years, we also have been finding them on our bank cards, social security cards, credit cards and even...on our identity cards!

There’s a specific kind of microchip that’s put on consumer products, for "logistics" reasons: RFID chips. Tags fitted with the biggest RFID chips (RFID = Radio Frequency Identification Devices) are made of adhesive paper a few square centimeters long, and have a square shaped, coiled antenna. This "RFID tags" system has been used by the U.S. military and the military in general for quite a while.

A traditional RFID tag…

The smallest RFID chips are tiny (they are the size of a speck of dust!). After the military, private companies are now getting into them too: Gillette razors and Benetton clothing, as well as the Carrefour supermarkets, add tiny chips on the packaging of their products, and sometimes even IN the products themselves, and these chips are destined to replace the barcodes we find on all our products! These chips emit signals, which, among other things, allow them to identify the need to "replenish stores" as soon as these are out of stock with their products. But RFID chips, which are already nicknamed “spychips”, could also be used as "spies" that we are likely to bring back home! In particular, they could be used to profile customers, to know their habits etc. Who can guarantee that they won’t be used to eliminate gradually our privacy? Interestingly, RFID chips have historically started to be used in the military field (fuselage aircraft, etc.) for... spying!

Some consumer groups, such as the American association CASPIAN (see www.nocards.org), already denounce, and rightly so, a scandal and an invasion of our privacy... Actually, several companies using RFID have been caught in the act of violating the privacy of unsuspecting people through the use of these chips!

Hitachi’s µ-chip (mu-chip), one of the smallest RFID chips in the world

On the other hand, these RFID tags threaten many jobs (automated cash registers), and have already led to strikes in France...

RFID is already being replaced by "COMPUTATIONAL RFID" or CRFID, whereby RFID tags are turned into mini-computers with more opportunities to kill freedoms (cf.

Nowadays, RFID microchips encapsulated in glass, fitted with a coiled antenna, and which contain data (name, vaccinations etc..), are even implanted in animals and allow to identify them, to locate them, to track them down and to find them, possibly by satellite, when they got lost or when they escaped. In short, what was yesterday science fiction is now a reality.

But let's keep pondering: if one succeeded implementing that technique on animals, why couldn't we do the same thing… on human beings?

This is technically and technologically possible, anyway.

The tendency to apply RFID technology to the human body has begun to spread, unfortunately. In France, for example, placing chips on the clothing of the elderly with dementia (cf. www.directmatin.fr/…/grand-age-une-p…) has been proposed, in order to monitor them. In this specific case, these chips are already on the clothes, very close to the body...

Of course, we have legal, moral and ethical rules and also the Human Rights (that are flouted every day) to "protect" us... But are those fences truly sufficient and efficient, especially if those who have the power and make the laws are the ones who infringe or contour them?

A priori, the hypothesis of a microchip implanted in humans on a huge scale could be thought of as pure paranoïa... But after the reading of this article, maybe you'll change your mind. What was being prepared - without our knowledge - fortunately appeared, and a nightmarish scenario will - MAYBE! - be avoided thanks to us, thanks to YOU, if you react in time! So, GET UP! Today, the time has come to act for yourself, for your children and for future generations, or this planet will soon be crowded with zombies that will be guided by the will of those who will have implanted them the microchip...

And now, please read this article till the end, and make up your mind. The choice is yours... Yet, I hope that you'll choose to move, because the things we're going to talk about are happening HERE AND NOW! You can also check the contents of this article through the links and websites referring to the topic discussed here (see the links and references in Chapter 10).