Vivaldi: Care selve, amici prati, RV 671 (1/2) - Cencic. High resolution and stereo sound: www.youtube.com/watch "Care selve, amici prati", RV 671 Text: Anonymous Music: Antonio Vivaldi Max Emanuel …Altro
Vivaldi: Care selve, amici prati, RV 671 (1/2) - Cencic.

High resolution and stereo sound: www.youtube.com/watch "Care selve, amici prati", RV 671 Text: Anonymous Music: Antonio Vivaldi Max Emanuel Cencic, countertenor Ornamente 99, Karsten Erik Ose Recorded on 7-10 April 2003, ___ Aria Care selve, amici prati a cercar rtorno in voi la perduta amabil pace. Quella pace che spietati mi rapir coi pensier suoi speme infida, amor fallace. Recitativo Ben mal'accorto e folle all'or io fui che vaghezza mi prese di migliorar mia sorte, e per tal fine lunge dal natio bosco il pie portai. Infelice mi rese una speme si ardita. Ove sperai grandezze ritrovar, trovai rovine. Tu, insano d'arrichir cieco desio, tu ingannasti il cor mio, e pace et liberta per te perdei. Or scoperto l'inganno Riedo a viver in quiete i giorni miei, e a reparar del tempo corso il danno. Aria Placido in letto ombroso la dove scorre il rio, steso su 'l margo ombroso dee l'onda al mormorio, il canto accordero. Condur il gregge amato sola mia cura fia, da la campanna al prato, e i onta a sorte ria contento vivero, contento godero. ___ Translation (by Hugh Graham): Aria Dear woods, friendly meadows, I come back to seek in you the sweetest peace I have lost - that peace which treacherous hope and false love pitilessly snatched from me with thoughts of her. Recitativo Quite foolishly and stupidly I was taken with the idea of improving my lot, and to this end I travelled far from my native woods. I have been made unhappy by such a rash hope. Where I hoped to find greatness, I found ruin. You, crazy to fulfil blind passion, you betrayed my heart, and through you I lost my peace and liberty. Now that the betrayal is revealed I return to live my days in peace, and to make good the damage done by times past. Aria Serene in a shady bower where the brook runs by, lying on the shady bank, to the murmur of the waves, I shall tune my song. To lead my beloved flock from the moors into the meadow shall be my only care, and despite my dire fate contented I shall live, and contented I shall enjoy life.