Facts Not Lies
Facts Not Lies
Jeffrey Ade
@Facts Not Lies We have believed this is all a lead up to WWIII! Then there wont be false flags just a lot of flak!
Unfortunately, "social warfare" requires a battle-ground and the public arena of "social media" is controlled by the enemy.
Facts Not Lies
We have doubled the death rate to be almost 0.05% now.
Now that we trust nobody because of 2 years of constant misrepresentation, misdirection, ambiguous, and disparate statements and assertions...
Time to launch the actual attack while we ignore them...
A common tactic in social warfare.More
We have doubled the death rate to be almost 0.05% now.

Now that we trust nobody because of 2 years of constant misrepresentation, misdirection, ambiguous, and disparate statements and assertions...

Time to launch the actual attack while we ignore them...

A common tactic in social warfare.