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Christian minority must bring hope to a suffering society, Pope tells Roman faithful CWN - 9 hours ago
Faithful Christians today must reach out to a society in desperate need, Pope Francis told the people of the Rome diocese on June 18. Speaking at the opening of an Ecclesial Congress for the Rome diocese, the Pope spoke about the urgent spiritual need of many people living in the city: Even in Rome there are people who live without hope and who are immersed in deep sadness that they try to...
St. Joseph to be included in Eucharistic Prayers CWN - 9 hours ago
The name of St. Joseph will soon be included in all of the Eucharistic Prayers regularly used in the Latin rite. The Congregation for Divine Worship has issued a decree calling for the inclusion of St. Joseph in Eucharistic Prayers II, III, and IV. St. Joseph is already mentioned in Eucharistic Prayer I, the Roman Canon, as mandated by Blessed John XXIII. The decree from the Congregation...
2nd miracle approved? Canonization reportedly close for John Paul II CWN - 8 hours ago
A panel of theologians has approved a miracle attributed to Blessed John Paul II, according to the Italian news service ANSA. If the report is accurate, the approval could pave the way for the...
Lourdes shrine again closed by floods CWN - 9 hours ago
Flooding has forced Church officials to close the Marian shrine at Lourdes, France, for the 2nd time in less than a year. The grotto where the Virgin Mary appeared to St. Bernadette Soubirous was...
Gov. Cuomo's radical abortion bill dies in New York legislature CWN - 13 hours ago
A bid by New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo to broaden legal access to abortion has died in the state’s legislature. Democratic Senator Jeff Klein announced that the abortion legislation would not...
Lebanese Church leaders decry Western support for Syrian rebels CWN - 9 hours ago
Catholic and Orthodox leaders in Lebanon have called for unity among Christians, and pleaded with the West not to encourage the warfare in Syria. The continuing violence in Syria dominated...
Obama: religious schools block lasting peace in Northern Ireland CWN - 12 hours ago
US President Barack Obama has argued that parochial schools are an impediment to the establishment of a lasting peace in Northern Ireland. Speaking to a crowd in Belfast, during a trip to...
European Commission holds minting of Slovakian euro bearing images of saints CWN - 12 hours ago
The European Commission has ordered the National Bank of Slovakia not to mint new euros that would feature images of Sts. Cyril and Methodius, the New York Times reports. Each member-state within...
Cardinal O'Malley backs legislation to bar late-term abortions CWN - 13 hours ago
Boston’s Cardinal Sean O’Malley has asked US Congressmen to support legislation that would ban abortions performed on unborn children who are sufficiently developed to experience pain. In a...
Love for enemies makes us like Christ, Pope tells congregation CWN - 12 hours ago
In his homily at a daily Mass on Tuesday, June 18, Pope Francis said that loving one's enemies is difficult but necessary for those who follow Jesus Christ. It is not easy, the Pope acknowledged,...
Suspected Islamic terrorist among newly appointed governors in Egypt CWN - 6 hours ago
Among the 17 provincial governors appointed by Egypt’s President Mohamed Morsi on June 16, at least 7 are affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, and one is affiliated with a suspected Islamic...
Philadelphia archdiocese troubled by shortfall in clergy pension fund CWN - 12 hours ago
The Philadelphia archdiocese faces a serious shortfall in funding for its clergy pension fund. In meetings with priests, Archbishop Charles Chaput has spoken frankly about the shortfall,...
New Vietnamese bishops appointed after Vatican-Vietnam negotiations CWN - 12 hours ago
Pope Francis has appointed two new bishops in Vietnam, with the announcement coming the day after the conclusion of the latest round of negotiations between the Vatican and the Vietnamese...
Parishes join Portland's Gay Pride parade despite archbishop's directive CWN - June 17
Several Catholic parishes in Portland, Oregon, sent representatives to the city's Gay Pride parade on June 16, in defiance of a directive from Archbishop Alexander Sample. Although the archbishop...
Pope meets with president of European Commission CWN - June 17
Pope Francis met on June 15 with José Manuel Durao Barroso, the president of the European Commission. A Vatican statement released after the meeting reported that the Pope had spoken with Barroso...
Utah man shot during Mass CWN - June 17
A man was shot in the head during Sunday Mass at a church in Ogden, Utah, on June 17. Charles Jennings was arrested on charges of shooting his father-in-law, in the head. The victim, James Evans,...
Schoolteacher dismissed because ex-husband poses a threat CWN - June 17
A Catholic-school teacher in the San Diego archdiocese has been informed that she will not be re-hired because her ex-husband could pose a danger to her students. Carie Charlesworth was placed on...
Pope meets new Venezuelan leader, discusses situation after Chavez CWN - June 17
Pope Francis met with Venezuela’s President Nicolaus Maduro Moros at the Vatican on June 17, for discussions that centered on the country’s situation after the recent death of President Hugo...
Chinese pro-life activist says Beijing pressured NYU to end his fellowship CWN - June 17
Chen Guangcheng, the blind Chinese pro-life activist who came to the US after an international incident in 2012, is losing his fellowship at New York University (NYU), and charges that the school...
Populorum Progressio Foundation backs community self-help projects in Latin America CWN - June 17
The administrative council of the Populorum Progressio Foundation, the papal charity that funds self-help projects for the poor in Latin America, will hold a meeting in Arequipa, Peru this week to...
Nigerian churches burned; Boko Haram suspected CWN - June 17
Four Christian churches in northern Nigeria were bombed and burned over the weekend, in attacks attributed to the terrorist group Boko Haram. Archbishop Ignatius Ayau Kaigama of Jos, the...
Vatican cleric named to key post at Vatican bank CWN - June 17
Msgr. Battista Mario Salvatore Ricca has been named as the “ad interim” prelate of the Vatican bank, the Institute for Religious Works (IOR). The appointment is the first major personnel...
Leading Italian cardinal speaks frankly on Europe's decline, Syria's danger, Curial reform CWN - June 17
Cardinal Angelo Scola of Milan spoke about the decline of Europe, the dangers associating with efforts to export democracy, and the need for reform of the Roman Curia, in a revealing interview with...
Secularity does not mean hostility to faith, Pope tells French lawmakers CWN - June 17
The principle of secularity in French government “shouldn’t mean hostility to religious reality or the exclusion of religious from the social sphere,” Pope Francis argued in an address to French...
Pope challenges G8 leaders on economic justice, peace CWN - June 17
In a message to the leaders of the G8 industrial nations, who are meeting in Northern Ireland this week, Pope Francis said said that “the goal of economics and politics is to serve humanity, beginning with the poorest and most vulnerable wherever they may be, even in their mothers' wombs.” The Pope’s message—sent to British Prime Minister David Cameron, who is hosting the June meeting of the...
Selfishness leads to death, Pope warns on day dedicated to Gospel of Life CWN - June 17
“Whenever we want to assert ourselves, when we become wrapped up in our own selfishness and put ourselves in the place of God, we end up spawning death,” Pope Francis said as he celebrated Mass for...
USCCB, Greek Orthodox launch CWN - June 17
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America have launched, a website designed to help parents in guiding their children...
Armed robbery at Austrian monastery CWN - June 17
Two armed men stole a few thousand Euros from a Salvatorian monastery and boarding school in Austria on June 3. The first suspect was soon apprehended; the second, a Serb national, fled to...
US dioceses prepare for 2nd Fortnight for Freedom CWN - June 17
From June 21 to July 4, the Church in the United States will commemorate its second annual Fortnight for Freedom to raise awareness about threats to religious liberty. Archbishop William Lori of...
Federal judge rules against nurse disciplined for comments critical of homosexuality CWN - June 17
A US district judge has ruled that a Georgia hospital did not discriminate against a nurse supervisor who was disciplined after she made remarks critical of homosexuality. In 2009, Amanda Dix, a.